TC_301_EN_052014 © AAF International B.V.
When starting your operation after the burn-in procedure, start or stop the fan gradually to minimize particle emission
levels from the filter caused by air pressure pulses from the fan. Additional low levels of particles may be emitted from
the filter during increase or decrease of the temperature in your system. Note that the special construction of the
AstroCel I HTP minimizes particle emission levels compared to conventional high temperature HEPA filters.
Use the filter at the rated airflow level or a lower airflow level. In addition use a baffle plate to uniformly distribute the
airflow over the filter’s surface area and to avoid overloading of any area in the filter. Overloading may result in reduced
dust holding capacity and filter damage.
If you use a special gas or chemicals in the airstream which pass the filter or come into contact with the filter consult
with your local AAF representative before applying our filters.
In case of questions or lack of clarity do not hesitate to contact your local AAF representative.
AAF does not recommend to remove, re-install and re-use burnt-in filters as this may damage the filter media and
sealant material.
Filter exchange
Prepare for filter exchange of your AstroCel I HTP when the filter reaches close to its final pressure drop of 500 Pascal or
earlier if required by your equipment manufacturer or Quality Department.
Life time of the AstroCel I HTP filter depends on the conditions of use and the environment in which it is used.
If the dust holding capacity of the filter decreases or other unforeseen issues with the filter are revealed, please
exchange the filter as soon as possible.
For removal of the AstroCel I HTP from your equipment, follow your equipment manufacturer’s procedures.
For installation of new filters repeat steps 3 to 7 of this installation manual.
Filter disposal
The disposal of used filters is to be conducted according to your company’s procedures for contaminated filter disposal
taking into account the applicable local regulations for chemical- or industrial waste disposal.