The wheelbarrow consists of four main shipping components:
tray, handles, component box, and wheel assembly. Please check
to make sure that all parts have been included from the parts list.
Clear a flat work surface and allow room to assemble the wheel
Suggested tools: Wide Flat Screw Driver, Socket Driver with 13mm
Deep Socket, Electrical or Duck Tape.
For any questions contact customer service at 800-543-8955
WB08 - Pneumatic Tire Model
FWB08 - Flat Free Tire Model
Install hardware only by hand tightening until instructed to com
pletely tighten.
Step 1)
Install Tray Bolts - Insert the (4) 3” square shank bolts through the
bottom tray holes and (2) 3/4” square shank bolts through the front
tray holes. Then secure bolt heads with electrical tape or duck tape.
Lay the tray upside down on a flat work surface.
Step 2)
Install Tray Supports - Place the #WB1009 Front Tray Support
and #WB1010 Rear Tray Support over the bolts that are extended
through the tray bottom. Raised surface away from bottom of tray.
Step 3)
Install Handles - Position the #WB1004 Handles over the tray bolts.
Step 4)
Install Both Legs - Place a #WB1003 Leg over one handle and bolts,
then secure with Serrated Flange Nuts. Then install the second leg
Step 5)
Install Leg Brace -Keeping the #WB1002 Leg Brace to the inside of
the Leg, line up holes in Brace and Legs, then secure using (4) 3/4”
Slot Head Bolts, washers, and nylon lock nuts.