A.J.S. 350 1950 Maintenance Manual And Instruction Book Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for 350 1950


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Page 3: ...OB CYCLDS Prcori 8 AssocLrTED MOToR cYCLI s LIMnED Rclist lc l Ofiic 3 PLUMSTEAD I OAD PI UMSTEAD LONDON S E I8 ENGLAND woolwlcE RstrNAr souLlcrn R ionRail codq 3 c 5 hrd6 h tdroi A J S MO r OR CtCr F...

Page 4: ...s everthelB r highly 3pecialiscd paec6 ot engineering In consequence i must be inrellig ntl and eficic tly maintained ln ordef ro provide unfrlling eliabiity 1n thk book aro nonrechn cal in ructioos f...


Page 6: ...DATA i 5m so i3 bdow d dd e Gr rodes P r Fo o 50r 6H50 l6M5itrd50ll6Mc_3 7 sorras eJ 50 r3crr3 NDCATEO BY ts ANO E LOW BY L aerrinsi ball dnd rolled crDkoh rcr4 be id3 rore arn r 21 L ii r h 1ln 1 4...

Page 7: ...r sp hg rame tu Err qi rot oi spr is han Modc 5 ony 50 6 rs lnd 50 rst 76AL AK T6AE AK 39M IAK 3 8 IAK 6 4 611 tt 4 1el ti 305i h ih i 30i h i 3dlh th i ii Chain whip all modek I h toi h hh lfie oi sP...

Page 8: ...Gear ratios models lbl 1 l6s l8 l85 r a4ii Tn diid soosprark br fodc 3 d r6s G ar ratios modals l6C l8C G Pl rB r t lsiitiob Gparkins plug...

Page 9: ...h Hl 0o h ts 0615 D L oe2ii r 2r h r23 ts 0o h H 21 f L 0e2 h L 3 h 0625 i lts 116 i H c6r5 io L r03 h tL 3 h r25 h lts 16 n H 24 D L r03i t rjgid and spring rfame nodek 3rr0 5ri i 3i h 3 t i 500 Com...

Page 10: ...sprockets a I nodols 40 i 6 iil 42 n j l j l l 1 I J i e i z E F Valve tihing wlth 016 inch rocker t 00225 r Lt 1735 D H r tr 00175 tr rHl rrd i L Valve tining pinion Rqlho b im sre ded 3...

Page 11: ...ral posilion ctose to fiphttoot resi Con trok se e tion ot the lou speeds or ratios beiweed en inc and rear wh el rtvolutions i h a free o neurrlt posirion See i usthlion l 9 KickBtarter l v r vertcrr...


Page 13: ...side Soth mu be shut ofi when the toichinc ir lert standins tor more rh n a l w Thekp plungers work horizontally Toopen ihc hexaaon knob markcd push o is pushed towards he body ol he tap Toclose press...

Page 14: ...he en8 ie should immediatcly firc The k dr a r Tr srbcrlo cd oengigeprope Dcrore pr 19 Fca y p c rre on rte cl rrae r_k pedal o n lldr n n lhere lre two denlte and teparate movemens when operatinS thc...

Page 15: ...ivc rull en8rgehcnr Ke p 1 loo o f e pedI d5en d v 1B d ber ee r h sca cFrns be aure u l r r e evef c n lrccly retufn ro ir iormal enth Poririon the noxt Serr crnnot be eisased Fidr l ful y Bdvance th...

Page 16: ...rhro rle hould be 3tiShrlt d6ed so Lhn the ent nespeed mrt b r dured to keep in lrep w rh rhc h 3her8 rr ntio convcBelyi wh n chrnaina down to r lower gc r rhe throrle should be r 8u e l thrt rhe en8...

Page 17: ...n trhij u pus k ea cd rhe feturn low tr very posittvo and onrinuous Theretore irrhe oit irruta ion k deran86d rhe la i is rpprcnr t ohcc by the ack ota sieady relurn flow lllu ration 4 Showins the oir...

Page 18: ...1SAE 1o sAE 60 sAE 50 sAE 60 sAE 60 sAE 60 FOR GEAR BOX LUBRICATLON MobiolD SAE 60 Triple shell SAE 501 E o ube s0 SAE 50 Pricet Energol 60 sAE 60 Cxs rol Grand Prix sAE 60 FOR HUB LUBRICATION AND AL...

Page 19: ...ne A nelaigauze lirqiner i5 ntted o the oilleed pipc ln th o ta k to p er 1r p o ll rr sfic a n1d r r rr ro l e dnt wl en reple hfint i om erkri g tne oi pLmp 5ee llnr rL o1 4 Fcltfiltcr d mctal shaid...

Page 20: ...mark and upon replenthnent should not b higher han one inch rrom lhe liller cap orifr e otherwise when rtrnins rhe i6ine the bulk oto l in the crankcile sump may be sreat than the space aviihble in t...

Page 21: ...few union tfom boitom oJ oil tank l lctal 5tDiner h idtdgral p f oi th i union To re fit metal 3tr iner RaveBe above iNf u iohs ADJUSTMENT OF OIL FEED Thc inrerna fow of o s rcgulated by nx d rcsrfi...

Page 22: ...lllurtration 5 The inl tv lve Buide is shown wlthd6wn adi 3tinA rcrew wlth s a 3o is th inlet lv stem ltt qtE tl Mdr ct thr l 20...

Page 23: ...engln shock absorb r lfdn3 h on harshne gcnera ly in icdtos level oloil in chaincs is too tow Renove chaln a3c nsp ction ap er h w k lnspecr t vet ot oi rop p ni ne art To remot in6p ction ap Unsffew...

Page 24: ...thai have a yer sma I amount oI movcnent such tho hinge boksolthestands shouln be lubficaten STEERING HEAD BEARING LUBRICATION Onegrease nipoeon FfontFrameHe d LuEandanolhefon fisht hand sideorHlndle...

Page 25: ...LUBRICATION CHART aa o when buying oik ai greases i is advisable io speclf the Brand as well d rhe grade and 6 an adlitional precaution to oniy buy in sea ed containers or lrom branded 23...

Page 26: ...n ce ry a renton n detaired below and ownetr nfe srongly recommended to lo low cMcfulf ihes sugges onr and ro mrk a reSulnr pradi e oldoinS sofrom the nrtr Tha refer nce numbern in bEckeB reler to th...

Page 27: ...king pr 8 and rerer poinG if n esarr Sterina hqd Tert sterin8 head lor up and down novement nd diu t lfr c6ery Bolt n l nqt Cfi ck all nuB ind bo B fo tightness and right n lf n sra4 bot b ware 6r oYe...

Page 28: ...n accessibilitt firs to enovc the pet 6l raik The rwo petrol taps ra ititate thk opcration by removinA h need o irst drain the tank of petrcl Ill station 3 Showing d tails and o7ds ofass mblt ofthe fu...

Page 29: ...k extensionr Remove the nine boks reraining rocker bor to cylinder he Dhronnc t vrlve liiler cablc Tilt upy trri lhe right hand side 6f ro ker box lnd exrra ihc two lon8 pushrods fay lhese asidc so th...

Page 30: ...ca bu ett r by Untcrew two rrburctter rdaining not Tate awrt drborctter lnd r ston addl Ihe f uf boks rcrdinlng ylnder hend io barrel dnd herd is ffee to be ra en away Whllc doins ihis rh Push fod co...

Page 31: ...tk prj e 014s 3d Prt No 014605 l s essentla thar the co leB fe coffecrly lo dled on the vrlvc srems tt wtL b observen thai rhe co ler hde two 8roover machined in rhe bore and those twogroovasnustrcgi...

Page 32: ...in qplod d torm VALVE GRINDING Belore commen n valve sfindins arcful xam ne rhe la ol ach va ve lnd f any ar toundro bc deeply pitted hayerhem rehced Ma5tga a8 s h2vesunab eequip6ent lor rhat purposc...

Page 33: ...e tocrtca b 8 ec wrr probrbry remi n in pos ron ti th herd i shou d bc noied rha a comprc ion plnle h a andard ntmen on a I SOO c c mrchlncs A rubber gland k l ed at the bottom ot cach cover rube R ph...

Page 34: ...ng circlipr in their groovg nd makcsure each cid p nes3nugly in bsrcove This k ii nt al otherwise 6nsi tedble drmar will rsulr Rc flt cy inder barrel by Tak few cy r e b e as rer Coa o e s de n au o o...

Page 35: ...e en ng urr r of rhe cam hairs The timing geaB are ma ked to f iti atc rheir reptac m nL To r ret the valv timin8 bt uring the mlkr on rhe a rs proceed as follaws I lurn ove rhe enghe Il the mart o4 h...

Page 36: ...our th head A until th clerrance h ni Tishten ock nu B and re ch c the c earance Treat other valve n lik mannef A ts check adju Fenrs sorhaq with no updnd down movement the long push rods rre tree ro...

Page 37: ...s til k s ic t the pkron k at the rop ol is sftokc Ma k rcd futr with top tac olspdrkins plug ho e R move rod aid meaure aboye the flush hark and recofd po5irion on rod Plac handlebar ignl ion 6ntfol...

Page 38: ...r by providing the recipro cating movement Bt au r I d o tdrE l TO REMOVE AND REPLACE THE OIL PUMP PLUNGER lo e endo rolle bo o lrc dpp b nCu o Both oll pump nd capr Oi puhp plun er suide screw with p...

Page 39: ...h bis end journrb and sleev s require laPPif S to ensur r tor ct fi WORKSHOP SERVICE Motor cr l r pair B frtt require tervice i tormation other rhrn thar detriled and in thosc drcs ouf senice o pa rme...

Page 40: ...tus rarton J5 Showinsthe hixing hamb rwith d taits of th pitot j t with it airadjustins scr w and th throt e stop crew 33...

Page 41: ...c main jet con rcls lhe hixture from three quartcE to full throtle the adiustable oPer nccdle t oo th eequaners down to one quafter throtde the cllaMy poftion of rhe in ake slde ol rhc throlde valve h...

Page 42: ...e df tted in the sprryer b e of choke nd k v ry sm l sother i3dwayslatenrdrngefolrhk UPon renovint tne flo t hamber and th larSc nur atrh botton orthe mixingchanbcr th sPnycr bce can 6e pushcd o ot h...

Page 43: ...pd nts didy pitted loose or se too c ose y High iension wire deJect ve Piot jet no op ralins correcny Rockers adju ed roo closely Heavy petro onsumption m y b due to Bad r r l rks Problb y ai carburer...

Page 44: ...ight and cnrare wrh scar G Power paee throush clqt h A ro m inshaft T to mainshli slidinS Sear C b lal5har sear G o laFhaat clutch V to latshaft sear E b nain sear A to hain lprc tet J Sl d ns ser C 0...

Page 45: ...from gearbor main5iafr_ rli r or_o o lr lpo b r q o er shicnmd b d Dd d vl o po ird rt t rr shaf The lu h centre n a s iding nt on the mainshat ann an exirador should no be To r move dynaho chain and...

Page 46: ...n1do di ina hrn rnd plrcc tr ound h rmrl sproctet ot tn ent ne 0 olter r cnbly a4d the sp o Le rhd l Bonrhedynrmo hJ and trt rh6 rh eiDr B in one movcment ro th driving rdc fltwheel irle rnd rhc dynrm...

Page 47: ...grging cdg is th mon sui ble too Jor cluich Eigagc rop gexr applt fe bm ann lhen nrly tighten the cns ne sho k abso bef Check lront drlvlng chain for aclustment Che k d namo nfiviig chr n ro rdjuihent...

Page 48: ...rust oC D thc ee brr c rnd the opcralins plunScr B to hovc to rh right Tho wholeolthcclut h prlng pf 5ufe hthdeby anstcrred ro thcclutch spfinE prcssure plate F and thisforces the ealplate G t 3ht yas...

Page 49: ...175 X 4 rho top end of which lies jusr beneath tho filler ap orifice about a to and tro Thk tlre extfeme rip reprcsenB approximarely rhe c earance ot specined abovc lrwil be apprecixted ihrt as the r...

Page 50: ...on cible rdju cr NoTE The amount of pla orr ae movement cnn as ybcdis ovcr dbyvirtucorthe sreat ncreased r sklrncc oi ihc handleblr c u clr conrro lever as the dd clutching acrion commences ro femove...

Page 51: ...rc rhould be no nece r ever o jker The lhr n dc cim hrs r heirAonrl bod to rc ohnodJc z Fnncr rnd 6 ru ncd for rid o bi rwrrd itopo ion p earwheel orhr rrd r ngchr r6 ole rl tenroned Bo h rds rurn ros...

Page 52: ...e adrsrm ol rh er hrin nay uprer rhc adtu mcnt o th cr bnlc nd reiet r nccesrr Thc whip ofchain slouid a wrys be tesrcd mid way between the rwo sprockeB and rhe sProckesshouldbe urncdandrestsmadcirse...

Page 53: ...fl eort e 8nc np ra Tle o Doo p oy esedb lreo e ad 8o re cans ereby absorbinC the shocks hk essedti2 he fa es olthe cams afe adequn y lubr cated otherwlrc thc sho k absorbing action wil bp nulined an...

Page 54: ...hc lroni oudguard Continue ro tightcn rhe lowef adiu ns nu unti no percept b e movefrcnt an be relt a n y the s cefinE hcad h pcrledly lree to iurn rh n tlghieh down th nomc nut in ordef ro lo l the l...

Page 55: ..._h o g h ooe Frd or b Lro s rrclo A r o 19 drhe Pan the shurle which rhe cscapins oi f3s sofiirssea henpasrrheexieriorolrhe shuit e inro the uDoer Daft ol the sl der As rhe o lcvc ins da thc nain inne...

Page 56: ...cho l lr mrr be n rrr ro rep uope inonsc er rLrm tocnru e rhe exrra rioi ol he max m nl amount ot oi Th tota amount ol oil withdftwn rho d be 9 1 lru d ounces ll lc than this thount d to brins to 9i o...

Page 57: ...10438 R movc lront whcel front sia d and front mudsurrd w Lndhv o rbysn e rsfarpoo e d l I d lc kr s e p 5 6 oo Ir re Le o 1ee_lr s o r pe do r e s d r Trs v rJs vr e t c pd1rio1 o relcase e oir 3dlwh...

Page 58: ...G A 6i ttr x ffi i r Y 56 ffi ffi m c 6 9 6 1tr...

Page 59: ...a roR cRowN rNoT solo saP RArELr o o ot i ii I3l i3lP I3iliB StBtll iiii u ilit T JPtLi IiiuH RIN6 IRU8BER SEALINC foi I NiJT LOCK iOOIED FOR FOR...

Page 60: ...les in the ocrring pla s the covcr iubes and rhe for crown are no even y spr d Therefore bcldre inseding rhc firet scf w h plsi r and tubcs must be posilior d so that all holcs in tnc two platos ihe l...

Page 61: ...or rfe boh il k the 3 ond illd r in a li mann r Th fiye lb ssemblie mutt now be ntted to the m hine in the following Fit tr e fork rrown 3teering col mn af d handleb f lug 4 by SuPpon th 6achine 6y b...

Page 62: ...eol by H d the leit s dc cap on th fronr whe spindle and ofef up whe l d to eng4ethat c p wirh iis rellining stude Fir the wa3hcrs and nuc and lighil tightenthcnu6 Fit ie rifhtsidc capwith washcBand n...

Page 63: ...oLncs La7 6 c c t cngine oil w ch k ur c en to lar armotr indpl n rert Prcvilion ir howevcr mJde lor eplennhment ihould srh ev r be requ red A 5nrll scrcw will bc obsened in the rishFhand end crp oI...

Page 64: ...livelt an aion bur a oilsho tage on only ccur r thp re ult of lcalrge t E very unlikely b bc en ountered rnd tnl s s nou doubB cxGr as 6 orre t runctioninS owners are advised to leave well alonc Shoul...

Page 65: ...g c fe td l hten 5 urel ihe serhted carri r rins Next holdin8 the leg in vi e frler p us uppfimos carelully pouf in ih speciiled quanrity oi oil p usins now and again to move rhe iop end p and down to...

Page 66: ...Dhconnec pGitive wire from the battery ai the point cl6e to the bnbry wherethere is a double t re ed conneclor Pull b k the rubb r 3l eva b ere l the two fr in componcnB of rh conncctor Hold on comPon...

Page 67: ...on thb bolt one 13 b tween th two sides of th guard nd rha other tr be wEn the head ofth nxing boh nd the gu rd TO REMOVE THE REAR CHAIN GUARD Rigii Ffam llodels Th M portion ol rcir mudtuard Th boh r...

Page 68: ...ns rhhe f 1odels it is advised to pla e under th ntre stand wood batten thick ih ordcr ro obiain a sale balaf ce h k nece ry io apply prsrure to th whc l whjl removine in orde to firr n thc ryre slish...

Page 69: ...nrll lighteninS rhe reM wheel pi dle nu nsurc the speedome r eear bot is so pos oncd rhat h spe dometcr dfivlig able can be correctl rcPra ed When rhc whccl alignment is orrec i p ec ot thin string 3t...

Page 70: ...rnju ins rlng xa rly onc hrlf urn TiSh n the lock iut makins surc that when doing 30 the adiGrins rin8 do6 ot r ep TO DISMANTLE A FRONT WHEEL BEARING I Tic irslru4ions ieed fererence ro the uDDer olrt...

Page 71: ...in th phin cnd dr he hub to fe nt the c fc ip r lnd lhen crreiu l to app y stexdy prcsure oi the inner ed8 ol ih cup 6 to iof e rhe abov cnt re a embly tishrly 6a asa nsr thc cir ip l I I I Showina r...

Page 72: ...t of front bea ings Rigid and sprine Frame Models Low r part isthat ofrear bearinss Spring F ame M6d t onty OUTER RACE5 2 OFD 2 SETI THESE rAPER SEARINC O TER CUP CACE FOR ROLLERI AND ROLLER TSESE ARE...

Page 73: ...its exi tion Tf o t c oD a d ruo o r rool src d o e J o rfc ner odge ol the our r p 13 so thar t rs forced 6ur of thc hub Ar t energes r qrl oL i con ol e oil er p r t BJ t1e o t r I4 ir r 5e c cl q p...

Page 74: ...o upt a pdi ion whe ebt rhe rvailabl levedS n I oBiderrbtt pdu ed and is a resutt the brake lds etriciency To overcone thk hardencd headed hr r pin tr lirred b ea h shoe roenibl r Dack ne warh r ro be...

Page 75: ...rerorl D r Ur tlc dJ rc to t Lp r crorLb ite The rdj 3 c h lo k d in position by a nut Adiust froht brake by Place ma hine on both ands srackcn lock nut on cable adjustcr Un ew he dbr id rner l b ro g...

Page 76: ...k iut E r d qDrrr f chc k b ck 5rrk rdtur RcrD RAME flooELs BRAKE PEDAL ADJUSTMENT Ihe po r on ol the re r b ale pcdll on b ad u ed wirhin nz ow hm13 Thts 6 done by mcans of bolr x w d nro the heel o...

Page 77: ...Dc cD erae r or e b IceoC or wo n ais w ll d mare rhe ryres Remove flinB etc that become embedded n ihe head and I any oit sets on rhe r fes or spo e5 ean ir oil wirh Pefol Makesurerhc rfont and rearw...

Page 78: ...de adjacent to the valve hole and ommencing diamehicalt opposite and usinE the ha dr onl work tre co er ov th edgeol le n Replace the valvc insid an nlghtly InfLdic rhe innertube Oonotdhtendthetub fit...

Page 79: ...usually bc providcd by Britkh Rrilways r Coods Depor or b a corporation r When rhc weigh s are known lhe hble abovc 6n thcn be used Ar a rough s lde it ma be stated that with a riderof iveraSe wei hra...

Page 80: ...co ici breakerjron the ma8ie o llusfiition ll Sbowin component d tails of Conta t Bre ke Refrovc ontart b e l r by swins awal hc flat blad ci ining rhc contad breaker cover Pul awr th contact brcakef...

Page 81: ...nsert the gluge prt of spannef LTK s betwc n lhr two contact pons lf the sct inE x correct he 8au8e shotr d b a sl d n8 nt ll there 6 rn ppre rble variar on lrom thc grdge dr l en th locl nut C lllunr...

Page 82: ...n using h ty oaBc alas paper remove lhc arbon dep6n rnd w h aaain Th c ntEl firing poinishould bc cteaned wirh fine ehery c ou The nslde ot the body should be rc6p d ctein w th a t te rnd nn llf r nse...

Page 83: ...LO00 r p m lf he above rcading i obtained the n iano s in ord r t rhefe k no readtng check rhe brush g ar Itthere is a row eading or eproxinatct voh the fietd winding may be atfauh l rherc 5 1 or eld...

Page 84: ...utomat ca ty lapcring ofiio a minihum as the barery beconei hafsed and irs voragc rkes Nofma ly dqf ng day me runnlng wh n the baftery k in Bood ond i on ihe dynrmo givesdnl arrl e ha e sotharrhexmmer...

Page 85: ...ne maintenrncc lUST 6e car ied ou ir espe tive of if th machine k us d Maint n n e once evefy l4 days R To e b cr e o sl di r o op or brrtc y an6 o nor cnr p rg Therc NOTE NEVER brins a naked lisht ne...

Page 86: ...lIEBards lf pur b k In the rool bor thev will dulc the r6ls to ru r AisurrnS he temp nture of thc elecrfolyre a abort 60 F a test with h drometer quickly shows rhe sbta otcharse ar under t R dihg 1 28...

Page 87: ...orr e iabrpre ng r e d o b crnd arr ei4ne ine i gr ryf oa eedgc lo repla e th h dlamp front and interlor fay reliedor nd glss unn tn rhe m so rha h blqk on the rcfl ror brd cn8d36 Replre by sp in ing...

Page 88: ...oirhc wires ro be coni ctcd in such a mannfthat the wl e ends prorude thfouah the enlre ol the olei The thrd meral pdft screws into ihe firot and h pdsin8 rhrou8h it lhe second oi thc wi es to bc con...

Page 89: ...icircontact with the meral par olthe hand ebar and it there is rearon to suspect the bar k cofloded atthrtpolnr theswirchshouldbeuncippod thebafandswirchc anedandrhenfeplace There are no detachable lu...

Page 90: ...cut oul DI swrrcH Pictorial wiring diagram...

Page 91: ...F operry Incorrect contact Pornt 3aP Water od h eh rension p k ups Mokrura on 5parking plug EnSin ml3les fir may b due to Deredive or oiled sparking plug Incorrcc contad po n gap Conlact br aker rocke...

Page 92: ...rs in thc Pip ferurninl 6il from the en8lne to the oil c Badly wori or stuck up pkton rings Caus n8 hish pre ur ln rhe cr k asc d Ai leak In dry sump oiling ststem e worn nlel valve stcms EXCESSIVE PE...

Page 93: ...h shlf re ommend d to 6wneri who vrlue th rDDe rn e oftheir mounE In Surre wfcl rroso cond r o s do o p eyii L oa un prrs shou d bonequ rr cleilpd wirh r darp h roii l d h r rnd rt drdr po kh d th a...

Page 94: ...cofpomtcd in thcm and these ete s MUST BE QuoTED oiherwise model identifi PROPRIETARY FITTINGS Noexpense h spared t6se u o and n ihe mostsuitable and hiah st quality instruments an acce o ies ror rhe...

Page 95: ...rout s i01 569 669 and 685 Therc ls al5o a toin l undef dle Rivef Thames at thi Doint ror foot Da e ro The Fr Ferry accom ho aror a I rypes of hotof veh e and there Ir a cry ff quenr s rvke The South...

Page 96: ...eR ol cvcn thi kn s iollow Tle nuab B on th lrcnr pla e mu b r hish ti wide ind 11 rh ct wirh spaies o f Detwcen each rko charrters The n rbc d e r a D rte rurt bc 2 hsr l wide ard t lcl kh D es j bet...

Page 97: ...GUARANTEE h dcoroi n dine ht hrr r por r or b iiy hoortFre i o trw dc omPai 6i or c n CONDITIt NS OF GUARANTEE 95...

Page 98: ...rs OPTIONAL EQUIP MENT Th following itens of optiond equlpmen ar available The arc dca ib d dnd prlced in the sparcs Lkt 6 Mudguard type plllion sear G Pillion roofteis boked 6n io ao d p when not ln...

Page 99: ...Jiiabte r os of 6 D 6d Do rr e Ttey in be ropliedxariep rb oo 1 of ror fik e buito not Wt n o d nc srale r Pe equired 97 fifl iltilt lil ill illill A IA 40 c3 TK29 rwo oFF 460076 fr 0 L TK13 ffi 1 t...

Page 100: ...ND SERvlcE consks of a Chcck md ir necesar ldjun l Rocker deann cs 2 Conhd braker poinB 3 Spafkins pJuss 8 Forks recs and seeri s head 9 Alisnnent or wheel b Tishten n I externa nuts and bohs iic ud n...

Page 101: ...27 14 15 33 Fofk comp nenr de aih t7 l3 30 3l I l3 5 to 2A t9 t6 3 24 11 2 22 4 2l t2 8 tl t2 0 36 38 39 7A t0 30 56 53 4L t2 85 23 t5 34 33 ll 20 79 86 87 3a Kick ta r eigagemehi O l p TD Reaf sprin...

Page 102: ...INDEX 39 9 fr ee Servr e forr and trrme Serv e 7A 26 98 52 62 9a 96 42 89 Chd r 95 2 23 24 9l look and Special Equipheit Transmission SeNice Usefullnlornation Wheel Brlke and Tyre Servi...


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