Ultimate Initio kit for Raspberry Pi
You should already have followed the instructions for assembling the Initio chassis.
In this section we will add the Pirocon2 controller, the obstacle sensors, line sensors and the
pan/tilt assembly with ultrasonic sensor.
The (optional) iBoost64 is also used to boost incoming signal strength and resolve issues with
marginal IR sensors, including the wheel sensors on the Initio
Quickstart Pinout Description
If you use the recommended iBoost64 input signal booster, then we can connect the 8 I/O
signals as follows:
Pin 7 - Left Obstacle sensor
Pin 11 - Right Obstacle sensor
Pin12 - Left Line sensor
Pin 13 - Right Line sensor
Pin 15 - Left Wheel sensor 1 (Optional)
Pin 16 - Right Wheel sensor 1 (Optional)
Pin 18 - Tilt Servo (Output - not connected to iBoost64)
Pin 22 - Pan Servo (Output - not connected to iBoost64)