Singalong Kit Assembly
Thank you for purchasing the Singalong Kit to accompany the McRoboFace “emoticon”. This kit will
allow you to build the breadboard to work with Robin Newman’s project from
this link
Note that we have used different components from the project shown in the link above, but the
circuit is the same and easier to assemble.
Step 1 – Check you Have All Components
400-point Breadboard
1m Audio lead (white)
Audio splitter lead (black)
Strip of 10 dupont cables, 30cm
Red jumper wire
Black jumper wire
Audio cable to breadboard connector PCBA
12mm Tact switch
10K breadboard-friendly trim pot
10K resistor (Bands are Brown, Black, Orange)
2 x 47uF capacitors
Step 2 – Plug in the Audio Connector PCBA