80 | Managing the Radio
Aprisa SRi User Manual 1.1.0
PC Requirements for SuperVisor
SuperVisor requires the following minimum PC requirements:
Operating System
Internet Explorer 9
Does not support config file upload
from PC
MS-Windows Vista
Service Pack 2
1 GHz processor
2 GB Ram
Internet Explorer 10
(recommended minimum browser)
MS-Windows 7
Service Pack 1
1 GHz processor
2 GB Ram
Internet Explorer 11
MS-Windows 8.1
1 GHz processor
2 GB Ram
Mozilla Firefox (MS-Windows)
MS-Windows XP
Service Pack 2
1 GHz processor,
Pentium 4 and above
1 GB Ram
Mozilla Firefox (Linux)
Gnome desktop 2.18 and above
1 GHz processor,
Pentium 4 and above
1 GB Ram
Mozilla Firefox (Apple Mac)
(4RF does not support retina displays)
Mac OS X 10.6
1 GHz processor,
Pentium 4 and above
1 GB Ram
Note 1:
4RF does not support Windows 10 Edge, Google Chrome, Opera or Apple Safari browsers but when
they have been used, they have worked correctly.