Managing the Radio | 283
Aprisa SRi User Manual 1.1.0
Monitoring > Radio
This page displays the current radio diagnostic and performance monitoring parameters of the radio
The results shown are since the page was opened and are updated automatically every 12 seconds.
Monitored Parameter
Normal Operating Limits
Current Temperature
Parameter to show the current
temperature of the transmitter
0 to 70 °C
Packets Transmitted
Parameter to show the number of packets
transmitted over the air
Bytes Transmitted
Parameter to show the number of bytes
transmitted over the air
Dropped Packets
Parameter to show the number of dropped
packets not transmitted over the air due to
Dropped Bytes (congestion)
Parameter to show the number of dropped
bytes not transmitted over the air due to
Last TX Packet PA Current
Parameter to show the current consumed
by the transmitter power amplifier in mA.
The value is stored from the last time the
transmitter was active and transmitted a
This value will change depending on the
transmitter power setting, modulation,
temperature and the VSWR of the antenna.
The alarm limits for this are 50 mA to 2.5 A
Last TX Packet Driver
Parameter to show the current consumed
by the transmitter power amplifier driver
in mA. The value is stored from the last
time the transmitter was active and
transmitted a packet.
This value will change depending on the
transmitter power setting, modulation and
temperature. The alarm limits for the PA
Driver Current are 10 mA to 500 mA.