216 | Managing the Radio
Aprisa SRx User Manual 1.3.0
Protected Station: Terminal > Summary
This page displays the current settings for the Terminal parameters.
Protection Type
This parameter shows the type of protection:
Serial Data Driven Switching Provides radio and RS-232 serial port user interface protection for
Aprisa SR radios.
This feature is a future development.
Monitored Hot Standby
(Protected Station)
The RF ports and interface ports from two standard Aprisa SR
radios are switched to the standby radio if there is a failure in the
active radio.
The standby radio is monitored to ensure its correct operation
should a switch-over be required. See ‘Monitored Alarms’ on page
270 for the list of monitored alarms.
(Protected Station)
The RF ports and interface ports from two standard Aprisa SR
radios are switched to the standby radio if there is a failure in the
active radio
Active Unit
This parameter shows the radio which is currently active (Primary or Secondary).