Spectral Multiband Resonator
Firmware version 5 New Features Summary
December 5, 2016:
Firmware version 5 is announced for the Spectral Multiband Resonator. Many new features and improvements have
been included, and all users are encouraged to update their SMR for free!
To download the new firmware
Go to http://4mscompany.com/smr.php
Click on “Manuals/Firmware”
Download/Save the .wav file for firmware version 5 (we do not recommend playing it from your browser)
To load the firmware into your SMR
Follow the instructions at the end of this document
New Features in version 5:
1V/Octave outputs
: Control up to 6 external VCOs with 1V/oct CV, for sequences, chords, and melodies
Holding down ROTATE while flipping to “Fast” enables 1V/octave outputs on Env Out jacks
Glissando (glide) can be enabled with the Pre/Post switch
In System Mode, adjust the 1V/oct tracking for 1V/oct outputs, in order to compensate for external VCOs that may
track slightly more or less than 1.00V/octave
User Manual pages 18 and 20
Transposition and fine tuning
allows the SMR to be quickly tuned to external equipment
Each channel can be transposed from -6 to +6 semitones
Each channel can be fine-tuned up to 120 cents (a little over a half-step)
New light display features show the transposition and fine tuning
User Manual page 12
Forbidden Notes
- select notes that will be skipped when rotating or spreading
Forbidden Notes can be saved into Settings Slots for use after power-down
User Manual page 16
Two-pass resonant filter
- lusher tones and tighter filtering of the input signal
New algorithm filters out all background bleed-through by acting like two SMRs in series
RES (Q) knob fades in the second resonator for a much wider range of resonance values
Two-pass resonance has a slower attack and decay when “struck” with a trigger, so backwards strike effects can be
Original one-pass resonant filter available by turning Q knob down, or by selecting it System Mode
User Manual page 13 and 21
New major and minor scale banks
Major and Minor scales
Major chords: Pentatonic, Major 6
and 7
chords, Augmented and Diminished 7
Minor chords: Blues Scales, Minor Pentatonic, Minor 6
chords, Half Dim 7
All scales and chords can be transposed to any key
User Manual, back page
New intuitive organization and display of scales and banks
Banks are now arranged into Color Groups (blue, pink orange, green, white)
Each Color Group has a theme: for example Blue is Equal Temperament and Green is Modern
The six Env Out lights show the Color Group, and the current bank selection within the group
Env Out Trigger threshold level can be saved independently of channel audio level
Flip switch to “Pre” to cache the threshold levels set by the sliders. Then you can adjust the audio mix with the sliders
without changing the trigger thresholds
User Manual page 18, and “Beat-syncing: Advanced Re-mixing” example patch, page 7
To adjust 1V/oct input (Freq jack) tracking, press Lock button 5 in Custom Scale mode
To adjust 1V/oct output (Env Out jack) tracking, press Lock button 6 in Custom Scale mode
Reduced noise in controls, cleaned up some scales
Summary of Contents for Spectral Multiband Resonator
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