Quad Clock Distributor Expander
Kit Builder's Guide for PCB v1.0
This guide is for building a Quad Clock Distributor Expander (QCD EXP). It's an intermediate-level kit.
You should have basic soldering skills and a basic familiarity with identifying electronics components.
The QCD EXP PCB is actually two PCBs that are V-scored so they can be snapped apart. It's
easiest to assemble the board in one piece, and then snap the boards apart afterwards in step 6.
Tools Needed:
Soldering iron, solder
Flush snips
Needlenose pliers (for removing a component if you make a mistake)
5/16", 3/8”, and 1/4” socket drivers (optional: pliers will work too if you're careful)
Multimeter (for reading resistor values if you don't know the resistor color code chart)
Step 1: Resistors & Diodes
Insert and solder the resistors and diodes. There are forty-five 5% resistors (tan body) and two BAT-85S
diodes. Due to variations in components, you may find that some resistors are larger than others in your
kit. The size is irrelevant, only the color bands matter. The diodes must go in with the black band facing
the tip of the arrow. (see photo in step 3 for a more detailed view of this orientation)
After soldering, snip the leads nearly flush to the PCB (you'll be snipping the leads flush on all the
components after soldering).