3.3 General Scanning Workflow and Tools
3.3.1 Heating and Mounting the Scanner Tip
This help topic describes how to make preparations for taking a digital impression.
Step 1: Warm up the scanner
Make sure the calibration tip is not attached to the scanner as the tip may
become very warm.
The warming of the scanner depends on the
: Turn on the cart to activate the heating system and attach the protection and heater
tip. Allow about 10 minutes for the scanner-tube to fully warm up to prevent condensation on the
scanner window during scanning. It is recommended to attach the protection and heater tip to the
scanner at the end of each order (ensure the scanner is cleaned and disinfected). This way, the
warming of the scanner-tube commences immediately at the next power up.
: Turn on the cart and attach a clean and sterile scanner tip. Allow about 10 minutes for the
scanner-tube to fully warm up to prevent condensation on the scanner window during scanning.
: Turn on the PC, start-up TRIOS application software and attach a clean and sterile scanner
tip. Allow about 10 minutes for the scanner-tube to fully warm up to prevent condensation on the
scanner window during scanning
Step 2: Prepare the patient for scanning
Preparations for scanning in the mouth are no different from the preparations applied before taking a
physical impression.
1. Prepare the tooth as usual by using at least 1 gingival retraction cord to retract the gingiva
(3Shape recommends using 2 cords).
2. Extract the cord(s) just before scanning.
3. Start by scanning the preparation(s).
Step 3: Create an order or open an existing order
chapter for instructions on creating/opening orders.