User Manual
3onedata proprietary and confidential 31
Copyright © 3onedata Co., Ltd.
Interface Elements Description
and host is deemed to be completed after schedule time,
serial server continues to deal with the next host request.
Frame break
If the idle wait time after the serial and host communication
is completed is longer than the frame break setting time, the
serial port will consider the communication to be completed
and continue processing the command from the next host.
This approach is very effective in reducing latency and
improving product performance.
Apply to all port
Check the “Apply to all port” check box to apply the current
settings to all serial ports.
4.3.6 Pair Slave & Master Mode
Pair mode requires two serial server devices to work together to break the serial data
transmission distance limit. The two serial servers in this mode establish a network
connection with each other via Ethernet and transparently transmit data from the
respective serial port to each other.