User manual
Configuration item
The switch will not send the LLDP message, and will reduce the LLDP message
received from the neighbor.
The switch will send the LLDP message, which will analyze the LLDP message
received from the neighbor.
Send cycle
Equipment status is not changed, the device periodically to the neighbor nodes to
send LLDP packets, the interval time is called to send LLDP message cycle.
Send interval
The switch regularly sends LLDP frames to its neighbors, which contain the latest
information on the web. The time interval between each LLDP frame is determined
by the value of the Tx interval. Valid values are restricted to 2~5 seconds.
LLDP global configuration step:
Step 1: select enabled or disabled in the radio buttons in LLDP;
Step 2: fill in the value of the sending period in the text box of the send cycle;
Step 3: the value of the retransmission time in the text box of the retransmission time;
Step 4: fill in the value of the sending interval in the text box of the sending interval;
Step 5: fill in the re enable delay value in the text box for re opening delay;
Step 6: in sending TLV optional checkbox selection management address and port description, system
attributes, description and name.
Step 7: click the "Settings" button Port configuration
In the menu bar followed by click on the "main menu", "advanced configuration" and "LLDP configuration",
port configuration into LLDP port configuration interface, the interface can port configured for sending and
receiving mode and management address.