User manual
Step 11: fill in the blank to mask or mask in the text box;
Step 12: fill in the blank in the destination port or destination port in the text box;
Step 13: fill in the blank or add the Time-Range name in the Time-Range configuration in the Time-Range
name in the text box;
Step 14: click the "add" button;
Step 15: in the ACL GROUP configuration IP access list ID in the text box to fill in the value of the IP
access list group ID.
6.5.3 IEEE802.1x configuration Global configuration
IEEE 802.1x authentication architecture with a "controlled port" and "uncontrollable port" logic functions,
which can achieve the separation of business and certification. After the user passed the authentication,
business stream and certification flow should separate, no special requirements on the follow-up packet
processing, the business can be very flexible, in particular, have a great advantage in carrying out the
business of broadband multicast, all business are not subject to certification way limit.
802.1X authentication involves three parties:
Supplicant: It‟s the users or customers want to get the authentication.
Authentication server: Such as RADIUS server.
Authenticator: Such as wireless access points, switches, etc.
In the menu bar, click the "main menu", "network security", "802.1X configuration", "global configuration"
to enter the 802.1X global configuration interface.
802.1x is used to enhance the security of the authentication.