VI. Troubleshooting
6.1 Common problems
The table below shows the common problems the printer operators normally meet and the
solutions to them; if you have tried the troubleshooting in the ways we suggest but the printer is
still not working properly, please contact the customer service of the vendor for more assistance.
- The power indicator is off.
* The AC socket plug and the
power supply plug are not
properly connected to the
socket of the printer
* The printer power is not
switched on
* Check the power connector,
and make sure that the AC
socket and the power supply
plug are properly connected
to the printer
* Turn on the power switch
- The Diagnostic Tool
displays "Head open"
* The cover of printer is not
* Close the cover of printer.
- The Diagnostic Tool
displays "Paper end"
* The label paper is used up
* The label installation path is
* The sensor setting is
* Install new label paper
* Refer to the steps of label
installation and reinstall it
* Calibrate the label.
- The Diagnostic Tool
displays "Paper Jam"
* The sensor setting is
* The label paper size setting
is incorrect
* There may be volume label
paper stuck inside the printer
* Calibrate the volume label
* Set the correct label size
* Clean the inside of the