Summary of Contents for OMEGA 890-0032-000

Page 1: ...EGA Technical Manual 890 0032 000 5 87 Affordable Performance You Can Trust From The Leader in Reliability and Service International Tapetronics Corporation 3M 2425 South Main Street P O Box 241 Bloomington Illinois 61702 0241 3IVI ...

Page 2: ...ll R1qh ts Reser ved M a de Under One Or M ore Of The Fo l low1 n9 Paten t s 1 Hl2 22 1 4 2 2 L Ho ti HH 13 7 4 I 58 8c cl 4 t l L l 03 SCOTCHCART 1 SCOTCHCART Brand ScotchCart 4D a nd ScotchCart II are t r ademarks of the 3M Company St Pa u l Minnes ota USA ...

Page 3: ...raL1ng con dition It 1s advisab le to keep the nia nual 1n a c unven1ent and readily accessable area near the machine Our test procedures are designed to allow a d J us t mPnt f o r a ccura te and repeatable results while y1el i1n i perfonnanc e within specifications Sheu ld you discover any error s or o n1ss 1ons or w1 t t o c om ment on the manual or equ1pment your inpu t will be grea t ly a ppr...

Page 4: guara n ty or warran t y The sole or exclustve liabil ity of ITC shall be t o r eplace or repair the produc t as it may de s ignate ITC assumes no l iab ili ty for consequential damages or for any o t her loss damage o r e xpe nse directly or i ndirectly arising from the use of its products In order to obtai n war ranty s e rvice ITC may r equi re Purchaser to deliver the i tem to rrc at Purcha...

Page 5: ...o11r rt lturn address 1 v1s1ble on the outs1de of the c r ton 3 Package the equipment securely IlC is no t responsible f or shipp ing damage I f possible use the original packing m terial Replacement packing material is avail able from I TC 4 Ship the equipment prepaid via a t raceable mode of transportat1on UPS a1r express or air freight Parc el Post and Air Mail are not t raceabl e Do not ship c...

Page 6: ...een tested and found to comp ly wi th the l mits f or a Class A c omputing de v ce pursu ant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules which a re designed to p rov i de r e asonab l e pro tection against such interference when operated in a commercia l e nvironment Oper ation of this equipmen t 1n a res iden t ial area 1s l ikely to cause inter fe r enc e in whic h case the user a t his own expense wil...

Page 7: ... 2 1 Motor Capstan Shaft Location 3 6 2 Pressure Roller Pressure 3 8 3 Solenoid Air Damping 3 10 4 Cartridge Guides 3 11 5 Tape Guides 3 13 6 Reproduce Head Height Zenith 3 15 7 Dummy Head Height Zenith 3 17 8 Reproduce Head Azimuth 3 18 A MONO Azimuth 3 18 8 STEREO Azimuth 3 1 9 9 Reproduce Amp Output Leve l 3 23 10 Reproduc e Amp Equalization 3 24 11 Miscellaneous AdJustments 3 24 A Motor Contro...

Page 8: ... C Schemati c 6 11 3 MOTOR CONTROL PCB 6 13 A Parts List 6 13 B Component overlay 6 14 C Schematic 6 15 4 POWER SUPPLY PCB 6 17 A Parts List 6 17 8 Component Overlay 6 18 c Schemati c 6 19 S Interconnection Schematic 6 21 Section VII Mechanical Parts Lists 1 Deck Assembly Complete 7 2 A Deck Assembly 7 2 B Motor Assembly 7 2 C Solenoid Assembly 7 2 D Regulator Assembly 7 2 E Cart Switch Assembly 7...

Page 9: ...noid Air Damp Screw Location 3 12 Typical NAB AA Cartridge rndexing Points 3 13 Properly Loaded Cart ridge 3 14 3 Poi n t Contact Path Tape Gu ides 3 15 Head Shield Removal 3 16 Tape Height Gauge Placement Left Right Tape Guide Adjustment 3 17 Ta pe Height Gauge Pl acement Center Tape Guide Adjustment 3 18 Reproduce Head He1ght Zen1th Test Hookup 3 19 AdJustment Screw Location Reproduce Head Heigh...

Page 10: ...oubleshooting 5 1 5 2 5 3 Access To Components Under Deck 5 4 5 5 5 6 5 7 PLAY LOGIC PCB Component Over l ay 6 1 PLAY LOGIC PCB Schema ti c 6 2 RECORD PCB Component Overlay 6 3 RECORD PCB Schematic 6 4 MOTOR CONTROL PCB Component Overlay 6 5 MOTOR CONTROL PCB Schematic 6 6 POWER SUPPLY PCB Component Overlay 6 7 POWER SUPLLY PCB Schematic 6 8 Interc onnect Sc hematic 6 9 List Of Tables Title Table ...

Page 11: ... top cover Electronics are contained on three 3 maJor printed circuit boar ds l The main board PLAY LOGIC holds the micro processor based playback record 10910 system sole noid driver circuits cue reproduce amplif1ers and output transformers Power supply components are located separately on a small PCB assembly which moun t s next to the solenoid 2 A second board MOTOR CONTROL contains the motor s...

Page 12: ... Non magne t ic Stai nless Steel Shaft D Per ma nently Lubrica t ed Ball Bearings E Crys t al ref e renced Phase l ocke d Con troller Rec ord Play Flutter measured on a 3 5 mi n ca r t A Play Max 0 12 DIN Wtd 7 5 IPS B Rec Play Max 0 15 DI N Wtd 7 5 PS Audio Output Configuration Transformer Coup led Audio Output Impedanc es 600 Ohm Recommended Load Impedance 180 Ohm Sou rce Impedanc e Audio Output...

Page 13: ...ments High F r equenc y Via Po tentiometer Low Frequency V1a Jumper Head Conf iguration NAB Standard Mono Play S tereo Play M ono R P Cue Signals Conforms to NAB Specification A NAB Pr1rnary Cue l kHz 8 NAB Secondary Cue 150 Hz C Exter nal Cue 1 Cue Record Logging Input Source Impeda nce l OK Ohms or less Vol t s In 0 5 25 V RMS 2 Cue Reprod uce Audio Ou t pu t Load Impedance 4 7 K Oh ns or gre a ...

Page 14: ...50 Degrees C 50 to 122 Degrees F Storage Temperature Range 40 to 85 Degrees C 40 to 185 Degrees F Front Panel Controls A START Switch On during RUN flashe s upon 150 Hz detec ti on 8 STOP Switch On durtng READY flashes slowly upon l kHz Cue detection flashes fast when stopped manually C RECORD SET Switch 150 Hz Record On dur ing RECORD RECORD SET flashes when l kHz tone is def eated Records 150 Hz...

Page 15: ...eated Ra t ings f or lamps l Max imum Voltage 25 VDC 2 Maximum Current 150 ma External Connectors Screw Terminal blocks Audi e Remote Control M ounting A Table top Standard B Rack moun t Optional wi th URM 0001 Rac k mount Kit Three units may mount s1de by s1de Dimensions A Wid t h 14 6 cm 5 7 5 B Depth 38 1 cm 15 00 C Hei ght 13 34 cm 5 25 Add l cm 375 for feet Weight Typical A Mono Reproducer 6 ...

Page 16: ...POWER UP THE UNIT Personal injury or further damage to the machine may occur When a machine is damaged in shipment please follow this proc edure 1 Call the ITC Customer Service department to inform them of the damage 2 Describe the damage how and whether the del1ver1n9 informed We can assist forms need to be submitted 1t was discovered carr1er has been 1n determi ning what fo r a c1a1 n 3 Do not r...

Page 17: time delay type 4 17 0012 Q00 5mm x 20mm 250V 400 mA slo blo type 417 0018 00 0 Operational Checkout P1 1or to actual installation it is a d visab l e to perform a short operationa l c heck on t he unit l With the top c over removed p l ug the unit in and check to make su r e that the motor i s running No fr o n t panel l a mps wil l be illumi nated 2 Inser t a blank tap e c artr i dge into t h...

Page 18: ...tch lens pull straight f o rward a nd reseating the bulb Factory setup procedures c all for adjusting and testing this unit to prevailing industry s tandards The unit s final s etup s tandards may be different than those already in us e at your facility Therefore a c areful check o f thi s unit s operating parameters i s in order t o ins ure that the unit c onforms t o your needs We make every pos...

Page 19: Number 878 0089 010 878 0091 000 To prepare t he unit for rack mou nting remove al l four 4 feet and the top cover Place these parts in a storage area for use if needed a gai n Rack mounted units may be installed without lids and must have power disoonnected during removal from or installation into the rack frame The unit s top cover and the URM 0001 r ac k mount are slotted to allow normally ...

Page 20: ... THER the Microp hone level inpu t TB301 Pins 1 2 or the Line audio input TB301 Pins 3 4 ONLY one input may be s elected at a lime The sl1de s witch knob 1s moved t oward the back o f Lhe ma c hine for Line position and t owa r d the front of the machine for Microphone position M icr ophone input JS unbalanc ed Please reter t o Figure 2 1 f or a s amp le micropho ne w1r 1n diagram TB 301 2 TB 301 ...

Page 21: ...e plus li nes of both channel s t o the corre sponding plus or equiva len t tenr1 1nal of Lhe t e rminating equipment This will prevent audio phase reversals mono sum errors Termtnal function designations tor the Termilal Blocks PLAY LOGIC and RECORD PCB terminal bl1 Cks are shown in Tables 2 3 and 2 4 Included w1th each table 1s a s ample remote control c onnec tion diagram for reference purposes...



Page 24: ...NSOLE SUBSTANTIAL EARTH GROUND ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION PANEL AC leakage curren ts in the system between chassis components of properly connected and operating equipment will be m1n1m1zed In any new equipment installation AC leakage cu r rents must be measured Leakage of more than 200 microamps indicates a potentia1ly hazar dous condition that must not be left unreme died Use an AC voltmeter of...



Page 27: ... will flash slowly when a cartridge plays through to the l kHz c ue tone and slops To disable this fiashing READY on c ue up ins t all jumper W201 on the PLAY LOGIC PCB As supplied from the factory a car trtdge that has played through to the l kHz cue tone and stopped may be re layed by pressing the START button To prevent accidental replay of the same cartridge enable the r epeat play l oc k out ...

Page 28: ...1p 1J lumtn c1Led J SU Hz ue L ne ILl dltJ 1111Jte lllrlV b i 1Jcat 1ed bv 1ns tc tl l 1 119 _ urnper W du on Lr e lju n LLJh J 1 Cb H19h speed l LU j 111 1 V be rjj tb Eid uy 1nf tallJng 1L1mpei W tlh 1s sr1c 1w11 1 llea e r i ter co 1 1gur 2 t3 d 1J L ible o t JI t xr 1 c t 1 oc lL1on and tune lions Fig 2 8 W20S Table 2 6 150 til DETECT T ti8LE FUNCTIONS STRAP W203 W204 W203 OUT Reproduce PCB 3 ...

Page 29: ... W303 W302 a a 8 9 Record PCB e 3 0 9 0 4 SERVO MOTOR SPEED Standard motor s peed 1s set at 7 1 2 IPS as supplied from the factory unless otherwise spec1f1ed when ordered Units may operate at 3 3 4 IPS by perforni11 19 the following rnodif1cat1on On the MOTOR CONTROL PCB Figure 2 10 cut f o il t r a c e WlOl on the PCB back side Load wire Jumper W102 as shown llotor Control PCB W 101 W102 ...

Page 30: ...2 11 Cut the back side fotl trace dlrectly under neath C312 For changes on the PLAY LOGIC PCB refer to Table 2 8 and F19ure 2 12 Make the appropriate component c hanges as noted 1n the table If you wish to return to 1975 NAB equalization 1nsta11 a Jum per wire at W30 4 on the fro nt side o f t he RECORD PCB and r eturn PLAY LOGIC PCB com ponents noted in Table 2 8 t o the appro pr 1ate values Flg ...

Page 31: ...00 04 1 13V 0 1 93V R207 2 0 C2 0I 4 10ld 300V 100o1d 30011 C202 1Dld 300V oaptd OOV R207 220 R201 220 II c20 02283Y 022 83V C210 022 83V 022 83Y Reprod uc e PCB 8 CCIR IEC equalization Potentiometer R3O8 on the RECORD PCB controls record this adJustment Compo the PLAY LOGIC PCB that for the 1975 NAB equal1zat1on for nent loading on remains the same as S Landa rd ...

Page 32: ...nitiate the re ording pro c ess when the unit JS Ln the RECORD SET mode rep yellow lamps on 4 RUN Start lamp Illuminated du ring the RUN mode Flashes dur i ng 150 Hz Secondary cue tone detect i on 5 CUE switc h blue lens Used to h19h speed cue tape and mule audio from the READY mode yellow lamp on RUN mode gr een lamp on or RECORD mode red green lamps on This switch cancels the RECORD StT conditio...

Page 33: ...witch is held C l kHz Cue Record Defeat Bef ore the RECORD process 1s started when the unit lS still ln RECORD SET red yellow lamps on the l kHz Primary cue tone may be DEFEATED by pressing the red s witch a second time befor e pressing the START switch to begin recording When this is done the red l a mp W lll flash qu i c kly indicating l kHz cue recor d DEFEAT The recordi ng process may now be S...

Page 34: ...e as fron t panel 5 Remote CUE s wi tch Same as f ront panel 6 Remote CUE lamp Same as front pa nel 7 Remo te RECORD SET 15 0 Hz RECORD 1 kHz DEFEAT switch Sa me as front panel 8 Remote CUE BIAS ENABLE switch Closure t o ground applies b1as to the cue record head 9 Remote 150 Hz CUE OPEN COLLECTOR SWITCHING TO GROUND Operates on detection of 150 Hz tones Allows operation of exte rnal s19nalin9 dev...

Page 35: ...of the machine These procedures are designed to be performed using ITC gauges and fixtures Use of gauges and fixtures other than those specif ied may lead to incorrect alignment or less than optimum performance AdJustments needed or schedule may be performed individually as as part of a regular service Due to the interrelationship of these procedures a complete check of all assemblies requires tha...

Page 36: ...ily cart library Needed for Recorder units only 4 Test Eauipment A Osei l loscc pe B Audio Oscillat or Capable of producing 0 dBm int o a 600 Ohm terminat ion C 600 Ohm Termination D RMS Voltmeter Capable of reading d8r 1 E Clio Leads For Terminals NOTE Items with an ast erisk next to them are available from ITC All other items are user provided un less otherwise n o ted NOTE Many of tne following...

Page 37: ...s NOTE Illustrati ons and photoyrapns used for the following procedures may not exactly resemble your unit M achine appearance can differ as improvements are made However adjustment and alignment points as illustr ated are accurate regardless of generation ...

Page 38: ...eredRadio Com 3 4 Heads i l Tape Guides u nder shield Cartridge Guides Solenoid Plunger Motor Mounting Screws Clevis Screw Cartridge Sense Fig 3 2 OMEGA Recorder Reproducer Front Half Components Switch Motor Shaft ...

Page 39: ...weredRadio Com Record PCB REMOTE Screw Terminals Fig 3 3 Rear Brace OMEGA Recorder Reproducer Rear Half Components A C Line I Toroidal Power Transformer Solenoid Adjustment Screw Power Components PCB Solenoid 3 5 ...

Page 40: ... pressure roller shaft and the motor shaft remain absolutely parallel to each other during operat i on Shaft parallelism is a critical r equirement Its establi shment insures that no tape skewing occurs With power OFF loosen do not remove the two motor mounting screws Figur e 3 5 Remove the pressure rc l ler by gently ur fasteriir g the E clip nylon washer pressure roller and meta l washer Figure ...

Page 41: ...TIONED As noted in the first paragraph the capstan shaft and t he locator gauge must remai n parallel t o the capstan shaft To insure parallelism the capstan shaft and pressure roller shaft must remain di rectly in line with each other See Figure 3 8 Also as illustrated the centerline of each shaft must be an equal distance from the right hand side panel setting up 90 degree angles at each c rner ...

Page 42: ...unger bottom against the stop seat and remain there during the entire tape driving operation Accurate and repeatable adJustment of the pressure roller mechanism is assured because of its definite location against a rigid fixed mechanical member Refer to Figure 3 9 for an illustration o f a properly bottomed plunger Fig 3 9 I OAMP NING CREW SPRING SOL NOIO PLUNQlA MUST BOTTOM IN SOLENOID SEAT The P...

Page 43: ...ep A of the ga1 1ge betweer the capstan shaft and the pressure roller shaft as showl in Figure 3 10 stopping at Step 11 8 Step A should slip betweeY the shafts without beir1g forced If n t looser do not rern ive the clevis screw lc ckr 1 tt Figure 3 11 and rotate the solenoid plunger CLOCKWISE 1 rnt i l Step A slips through Cor versely Step 11 8 11 shc uld r ot slip betweer the shc1fts If it does ...

Page 44: ...ine d Since speed and noise are directly related the fastest operation of the solenoid usually resu l ts i n the most noise Therefore this adjustment is made to provide a suitable balance between speed and noise without compromising the operation of e i ther Adjustment of airflow is accomplished by us ing a 0 bit Phillips screwdriver to turn the solenoid air damp screw Figure 3 12 The screw is tur...

Page 45: ...0 I n 1r 2 2 m d 71 T7 r 3 062 1 938 lo 49 23 mm I TOI Of TYPICAL 11 8 tYPE AA CARTRI DGE Fig 3 13 87 Ifl 22 25 A mechanical reference cartridge may be constructed by using these measurements as a guide Scribe index lines on a cartridge body using a razor knife awl or other sharp instrument and an accurate Measure such as a machinist s ruler Proper cartridge positioning is achieved when the follow...

Page 46: ...tioned criteria are met tighten down the right hand cartridge guide mount i ng screws insuring that the cartridge and cartridge guide do not move or change posit ior s Position the left hand cartridge guide parallel to the right hand guide and check to see that the two springs are compressed equally and that the cartridge is reasonably snug but not bound by the guides Remove the cartridge and rein...

Page 47: ... the heads Figure 3 15 TAPE PATH WITH 3 POINT CONTACT OF TAPE GUIDES Fig 3 15 All cartridge machines in your system would benefit greatly ft rn this setLIP prc ced1 1re Remove the head shield before beginning guide adJustrner t After ttie shield is removed sec1 1re the head blc ck t the deck by reir stallir g the right har d head shield screw and spacYr Make sure that the screw is tight and t he h...

Page 48: ...AR AS THE FACE OF THE HEAD M ove the guide upward so that the bottom guide tang JUst touches the bottom of the gauge Tighten the mounting screws and recheck your adjustment with the ga _1ge Right Exit Same as the Left tape g1 1ide pr ced1 1re Center Guide Loosen do not remove the center guide mountir g screws Rep s1tic r 1 the gauge as shown in Figure 3 18 with the cut out areas facing the heads A...

Page 49: ...s t me nt screws on the head mounting block M ake s ure that you locate the correct screw for each adJust ment PLAY AZIMUTH Record Head Play Head Fig 3 20 Play Head Re r Height Setacrew Play Head Front Height Setscrew Ca ut ion Demagnetize all gauge s a nd t oo l s BEFORE making any adJ us tments Be espe cial l y careful t o avo id scr atching the head f a ces during a dJ ustment Loosen do not rem...

Page 50: ...f the head is perpend i c dar to the deck t here will be no gap visible between the gauge ar d the head face If a gap is visible slowly adJust ir de per dantly and ir equal amounts the Play Front Rear Height setscrews until no gap exists Final height adjustment is made by electrically measur i ng the machine s audio output level while playing a standard alignment tape and making fine adjustments t...

Page 51: ...y machines a dur11r11y head is installed in place of the recording head t o maintain constant tension on the tape This helps minimize wow flutter and improves t ape g 1idar ce Dummy heads that have developed significant wear patterns should be r eplaced Loosen de not remove the dwnrny head Front Rear Height setscrew locknt1ts Figure 3 22 Place the Tape Height gauge on the deck and position it in f...

Page 52: ... offset from the heads that they adJust Refer to Figure 3 23 f or l ocation of these screws R pr oduc P lay Head Azimuth Setacrew REC F HEIGHT PLAY Record H ad Azimuth Setacrew Record or oummv H d Play Head Fig 3 23 A Mono Azimuth Connect MONO Connect Figure a 600 Ohm terminati o n to the Left reproduce amplifier output terminals the voltmeter across thi s termination 3 24 Fig 3 24 Insert a standa...

Page 53: ... tct ion H owevel in cases where mor ophonic dubbing or channel swnming is desired phase shifts cause serious amplitude variations or dropouts This is especially true at higher frequencies The most common causes of this problem re 1 Lateral with respect case displacement of the pole pieces to each o ther within the head 2 Improoer azimuth of the heads with respect to each other Record head to Play...

Page 54: ... Figure 3 26D appears reverse the polarity of the scope horizontal i np 1t leads o PHASE SHIFT PHASE SHIFT A B 90 or 210 PHASE SHIF T ISO PHASE SHIFT C D Fig 3 28 Al low t he alignment tape to run t o the 8 kHz section while monitoring the s cope to determine if any phase shift occurs If phase shift is observed loosen d n t remove the reproduce Play head azimuth setscrew locknut and adJust the set...

Page 55: ...sistently obtained carefully tighten locknut while monit o ring the scope to sure that best overall results in reading are maintained are the make phase This ends the oscilloscope procedure Remove the cartridge and disconnect the scope Leave the termination resistr rs i ntact Pr ceed ti Step 9 Reproduce Amp 0 1tp1 1t Level AdJustmer t Substitute Method For STEREO Azimuth This procedure is to be us...

Page 56: ...e voltmeter at 12 5 kHz Using the hex wrench handle as a guide note the physical position of the setscrew A small piece of tape will suffice for marki ng the position Leave the wrench in place Move the voltmeter leads to the Right channel output and slowly adjust the setscrew to determine which direction INCREASES output Continue adjusting the setscrew for increasing output until a maximum reading...

Page 57: ...evel Figure 3 29 Fig 3 29 Connect a 600 Ohm termination to the Left MONO chanr e 1 reproduce out put Fi r STEREO units add the second 600 Ohm termination to the Right channel output Connect the voltmeter across this termination Figure 3 3121 Fig 3 30 Insert a reproduce alignment tape and start the machine in the RUN mode Adjust R213 for 121 dBm utput at 1 k Hz If this is a STEREO mit move the volt...

Page 58: ...O lmits add a second termination to the Right channel output Connect a vo l t me t er across this termination Figure 3 31 Fig 3 31 Potentiometers R203 R204 control high frequency equali zation for the Left MONO and Right channels respectively Figure 3 32 R203 r J Fig 3 3 2 Insert the repr oduce alignment tape and start the machine in the RUN mode Adjust R20 3 for 0 dBm 2d8m out put at 12 5 kHz and...

Page 59: ...ct ion is digitally controlled and will operate from c u e tones recor ded in accordanc e with NAB standards for frequency and level tolerance NO adjustments are required at any time Recorder _Adjustment AdJustments to the recorder ection hould only be perfor d AFTER a ll reproducer adjust ments h v been completed Failure to complete the reproducer section first m y re ult i n r J order mi alignme...

Page 60: ...tmeter across this termination Connect a second 600 Ohm termination to the recorder Line input and connect an audio oscillator across this termination Figure 3 34 600 0 0 Fig 3 34 Figure 3 35 shows the location of the heads and adJustment screws on the head mounting block Record Head Rear Height Setscrew Record Head Front Height Setscrew PLAY AZIMUTH REC Record Head Fig 3 35 Play Head ...

Page 61: ... e Fae of t e head is parallel to the gauge and perpendicular to tne deck surface Move the Zenith gauge gently u against the face of the record head Be very careful to avoid ry scratching If the head is perpeY ldicular i the ceck there will be no gap visible between the gauge and the head face If a gao is visible slowly ad J 1 1st iY 1oependantly ar c 1r1 equal amounts the record Front Rear Height...

Page 62: ...f necessary fQ tightening the sets c r ew l ocknuts Once all measuremen t s a n d r eadi ngs a re o ptimized careful l y tighten the s et screw locknuts Stop the cartridge and remo ve i t This ends the adJustment 2 Record Head Azimuth Adjustment Note Changes i azimuth for the record head can result in apparent errors in all reproducers within a given system unless the resultant azimuth is checked ...

Page 63: ...Leave c nnect ed Stc p the all test 3 Program Record Bias AdJustment cart idge equi prm ml Note This procedure will adJust program rec ording bias according to generall y accepted standards for commonly available tape f wmulatior s The obJect is accept able recording performance i e noise di stort i c r and fr quency resoonse from many of the tape oxide formulations in current use However due to t...

Page 64: Locate R325 o n the Record PCB Figure 3 40 and adJust it for a maximum peak output reading on the external voltmeter R325 Fig 3 40 C nt i nue voltmeter readi r g to adJ1 1st indicates R325 c l ockwjse until 2 dB below the the peak This ends the procedure 4 Cue Record Bias Adjustmen t Conr 1ect MONO across a 600 Ohm termination to channel output and attach a this termir ati c r Attach the Left v...

Page 65: ... later in the proced1 1re Figure 3 41 Fig 3 41 Exchange the cue play and the Left MONO orogram play head leads so that the cue track audio information may be reproduced through the normal program amplifier as follows Disconnect t h e Left MONO channel input J201 Move the cue reproduce head lead connector J203 to the Left MONO channel input connector P201 Adjust the audio oscillator output for a 5V...

Page 66: ... This ends the procedure Return the head leads to their ORIGINAL position and disconnect the clip lead 5 Pr o gram Record Eq ua l izati on Connect a 600 Ohm terminati o n to the Left MONO channel reproduce output and attach a voltmeter across this termination Connect a second 600 Ohm terrnir at ion to the recc rder LINE input and attach an audio osc illator across this termi nation Fi gure 3 43 60...

Page 67: ... l tmeter readings I f a difference o f more t har 2 ciB in response occurs it may indicate that a t eadJ lstrnent i n bias is nece ssary Excessive bias overb ias causes losses at high freq encies Likewise underbias caus es peaked respons e at high frequenc ies dJustrn12nts overall respon e from be made for flattest 1 kl to 16 kHz Th is e ds the procedure 6 Program Meter Calibration C nnect a 600 ...

Page 68: ... 5 minute cartridge and start the machine in the RECORD mode Adjust the front panel record Level knob to oroduce a re roducer output lRvel c f 0 dBm Potentiometer R312 on the Record PCB controls meter calibration Figure 3 46 R3 1 2 Fig 3 48 Adjust R312 to achieve a front read i r1g c f Ill VU This ends the procedure oanel meter ...

Page 69: ... No other a dJustment is HEAD REPLACEMENT ITC Cartr idge machines us e strap mount tyoe heads facilitating ouick and easy raplacement CAUTION BEFORE heads Demagnetize beginning any all tools and work on or fixtures r ear the Remove the head shield by unscrewing the two shield screws and spacer s Figure 3 47 Secure t he head block by reinsta lling the right hand shield screw and spacer Head Shie ld...

Page 70: ...kets on the head cable can be bent i f excessive side pressure is exerted Di sco nnect and remove the old the n ew head and reconnec t the Fi g ure 3 49 for the cable a rrwr gement RED BLUE MONO HEAD Fig 3 49 head 1nstall cables See lead color STEREO HEAD Remoun t and fasten the head strap Remove the r i g t hand head shield screw and spacer from t he head b l oc k remount the head shield and re i...

Page 71: self lubricating material As with the motor bearings any attempt to oil these parts will cause damage poor performance and possibly complete failure Head Cleaners ITC recommends using ONLY isopropyl alcohol for h ead cleaning After cleaning all surfaces should be dryed thoroughly Q fQC machine operation is begun again The use of cleaners containing organic based solvents such as acetone or ket...

Page 72: ...s h to remove t e buildup Note In some cases an air gun or blower may be used for cleaning but care s h ould be exercised so that no debris if forced int o adJacent parts 2 Electrica l Ma i ntenence Schedule Daily or Weekly CDependent on mach ine usage Degauss all heads and tape g uides careful ly following the instructions f or degausser use Biannualy Check and adJust reproduce and record high fr...

Page 73: ...or areas of the unit Questions regarding repair or replacement of parts or assemblies should be directed to ITC Technical Service 1 PCB Sw ing up Note Top cover is reproduce only machines the Record PCB already removed On ignore references to A Unscrew the two 2 countersunk screws located on each side of the REAR chassis Loosen the rear panel rear brace screw and lift the rear brace out Figure 5 1...

Page 74: ...the transformer leads when necessary C The Reproduce and Record PCB s are electrically and mechanically connected After Step B they may be swung up and over the chassis as illustrated in Figure 5 3 Take the standoff screw removed in Step B and reposition it in the empty countersunk hole near the chass is top To hold the PCB s in the up pc sitior tighten both standoff screws D The Reproduce and Rec...

Page 75: ...ins tu II Screw Here Fig 5 3 PCB In up Po11ltlon Tighten This Screw 2 Access to Components Under Deck Assembly A Remove rn mt i ng screws the two 2 Figure 5 1 Remove Left Side Deck Screw11 Fig 5 4 LEFT side deck Left Side View 5 3 ...

Page 76: ...rn the machine on its LEFT side and gmQY the RIGHT side deck mounting screws Figure 5 5 Fig 5 8 C The front panel chassis by a locking screw bottom B mQY this screw Remove Locking Screw On Bottom Of Che1111ls is fastened to i r sta 11 ed frc r11 Figure 5 6 the the ...

Page 77: ...o ut and a way from the chassis f o r access to switches and connectors Figure 5 7 Be careful not to disconnect the motor from the control ler PCB Pull Front Panel Deck Assy Out From Cha ssle Fig 5 7 Unit On Left Side E Reassembly requires that you reverse the order of removal 5 5 ...

Page 78: ...www SteamPoweredRadio Com Section VI Electrical 11rustrations 8 1 ...

Page 79: ...itor Silver Mice 300 pfd 300V Ca pa citor Polyester 0033 uf d IOOV Capacitor Polyester 022 ufd 63V Capac itor Polyes ter 022 ufd 63V Capac1tor Polyester 0015 ufd IOOV Capacitor Polyester 0015 ufd IOOV Capacitor Ceramic D1sc 15 pfd lOOOV Capacitor Cera uc Disc 15 fd IOOOV Capacitor Cerea1c D1sc l u d 25V Capacitor Cere1111c Otsc I ufd 2SV Capacitor Ceramic DJsc 1 uCd 25V Capacitor Ceramic D1sc I uf...

Page 80: ...a rbon Film 1 4 l 50K ohm 5 aiu Table On Scheaat1c Or Ov rl ay Resistor Carbon Ftlm l 4w 470K ohm 5 R sistor Carbon Film l 4 w 470K ohm 5 C Resisto r Carbon Film l 4w 15K oh m 5 1 Resistor Carbon Film l 4w l0K ohm 5 c R s1stor Carbon Film 1 4w 4 7K ohm s Resistor Ca rbon Ftlm l 4w 4 7 ohm 5 X Resistor Cai bon Film l 4w 150K ohm 5 Resistor arbo n Film l 4w IK ohm 5li Resistor Car bon Film l 2w I BK...

Page 81: ...1975 NAB OR 1971 IE C 1964 NAB C201 22Dfd 300V 22pld 300V 0 C209 0 47 3V 0 4 7 83V N R207 220 680 0 s C OI 47pfd 300V 100ofd 300V T C202 47old 300V I OC ph l 300V E C209 022 63V 022 63V R E C210 022 3V 022 83V 0 R201 220 680 208 no 680 NOTE 1 LEFT AUDIO OUT 2 LEFT AUDIO OUT 3 SIGNAL COMMON 4 R o HT AUOIO OUT 5 RIGHT AUDIO OUT 8 CUE OUT SWfTCH COM AON 8 30V 9 ST ART SWITCH 10 STOP SWITCH 11 CUE SWI...

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Page 84: ...on polar 220 urd lb Capacitor Polyester O Z ufJ 6JV Va lue Table On Sch malic Or Ovu tu t apacito r Polyester 1 ut d b IV C aptlcitor Polyester I ufJ u3 c apo citor Polye iter I ult b IV c apacl Lor Polye1 ler 01 12 111 1 10011 c pac t or Polyester I uru n IV Capacitor Pnlye ler tH3 ut 1 b I V l apacilor E lc a l rolyl c I ulrl CIV f apacito1 Polye ter I uttl 1 1v l apacitor r olyester thll2 11t f...

Page 85: ...r bon Fi Im l 4w 2 7K oh 111 5 flolentlum tP r IOK ohm l o tenliom ter OK ohm RP islor Carhon F1 Im l 4w 2 2K o hm 51 J Peislor Carbon Fi lin 1 4 4 7k o hw 51 lle stor Carbon Fi Im l 4w I SK ohm 51 Re detur C rbo11 Fi Im l 4w I SK ohm 5X Ree ator Corbon Fi Im l 4w 100 ohm 5X RPslstor Corbon Film 1 4 100 ohm 51 Resistor Caru n t In I 4 JOOK ohm 51 Resistor Ca rboo Film l 4w IOOK ohm 5 IIPRietor Ca ...


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Page 88: ...stor Carbon F1l111 I 4 HOK ohm 5 Resistor Carbon Fl la l 4w 10 ohm 5 Re9istor Carbon Film I 4 1 1 10 ohm sx Resistor Carbon Film l 4w 10 ohm 5 Re 1stor Carbon F1 la I lw 7 K ohm 5l Res1stor Carbon Film l h1 4 iK ohm 5 Resistor Carbon Fllm l 4w OK ohm 5l Res1stor Carbon Fllm 1 lw IK ohm 5 Resistor Carbon Ftlm l 4w 3 9K ohm Res 1st or Ca rbon Fl l m l 4w 1 5K ohm Re 1st or 911H Type 2w 1 oh p rate S...


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Page 91: ... I I l 300 0092 000 t 1 350 0605 000 365 0602 000 Capac itor Electrolytic tHIUO ufd 50V Capacltor Electr olyti c 6800 ufd 35V Capac1to r Electrolytic 6800 ufd 35V Capacito r Electrolytic 6800 ufd 16V Rec t ifier full Wave Br1dqe Gt 2KBP06 Rectifier Full Wave Bridge CI 2KBP06 Rect1f ier Full Wave Brld1te GI 2KBP06 Wafer Locki n 7 Poa wafe r Locki ng Right Angle 8 Pos Wafer Lock1nq 5 Pos without Pin...

Page 92: ...t z 0 M 00 B Power Components PCB Overlay 8 18 f CD I J I s t a 0 0 I tn CD r 0 I J CD Cl w I i J _J a w lO H I J 0 c_ J u _J J 0 Cl _J _J _J Cl H w w 0 I u Cl ZI Cil CI o ZN t t Wru w Ck l J 0 i BjMQ PC BOARD NUMBER 83 1 0385 003 TITLE OMEGA POWER COMPONENTS BOARD Fig 6 7 ...

Page 93: ...l n 0 s I 3 Q 0 n ll503 MATES ITH P208 NOTES I i Jt f 50 T6BOO 6V __ _____ _ P502 1502 8 J B Gl IN 1 EJ B 9 FIO I I I I I I CP502 CR501 C S01 6800 50 saz seoo isv CS03 se00 Jsv 2l w jJTr 6 a LIE t flO I I I l RED il RCX 5 a ACX F L CR ACITORS OCSIGNATED IN MICROF MFIOS lff SS OllCRHISE 1 1 R S RI E n RIGHT TO _E CH NGES R lll ltf ROIIOO rS PC llOR O U 10CR 831 0385 003 TITLE OMEGA POWER COMPONENTS...

Page 94: ...r CIECOAO BC o lh T AC l 4 f l C A8 l r c C tl t S r I C a T S N r REMOTE o w cc a RE COflD BO A RO 8 J 1 038 oo litOHO 2 1 R cK 831 0 384 0t liilOMO J IRA C IC 1 I ol_ i t J s I RECORD H EAO tilP U 1 P UJ BLci 7 l Ll0 I I Wf NOH rt ONEGa a RECORD W 11 1 1c tt if 4 AS O MO RCOOfCI C AP II lrtt S 0 1 1 f StEA 0 ECOAO it 4 0 IS USIEO V O IG v lt l N M L H Rf C OA O O h IIOJtt T H 1 G S I oz N OTES 1...

Page 95: ...www SteamPoweredRadio Com Section VII Mechanical Parts Lists 7 1 ...

Page 96: ...TIP127 613 0048 000 Insulator SIL PAD 400 787 x 1 26 X 009 Thk 350 0604 000 Screw 6 32 x 1 4 Phil Pan Hd 613 0049 000 Insulator Block Nylon 837 0190 002 Cable Transistor Regulator 8 CART SWITOI ASSatBl Y 1 25 J 0097 001 Bracket Cart Switch Mounting 1 392 0009 000 Switch Snai rAct1on imulated Roller IE63 00R 2 350 0604 000 Screw 6 32 x 1 4 Phil Pan Head 2 350 0610 000 Screw 6 32 x 3 8 Phil Flat Hea...

Page 97: ...000 837 0191 003 837 007 1 003 262 002 000 LEVEL PO l ENrict I ER 2 2 636 0045 000 254 0108 002 350 0423 000 370 0 103 000 315 0018 002 VU MBTER J301 Cable Left l ONO Head J303 Cable Cue Head J302 Cable 2nd Track Speciall FIO I PANEL Panel Playback Front Panel Recorder Front fnlay Play Front Panel Lnl a v Recorder Ft OOt Panel Switch Licon STAR l STOP CUE lamp 327 28V START STOP CUE Switch Licon R...

Page 98: ... 1 0601 1 00 3tl9 n6n1 000 365 005 000 J60 tollH 00 li l0 021 1 000 IR2 J008 ll00 76 0076 000 Washer Jeoprene timm l D Orrm OD x I im icrew M6 x 60mm Ptn l Flat Head 90 De ree Blk Nut lo Hex l asner Int Tiun Starnless 25 I x 018 washet 25 ID x 3 8 01 1 32 Thick J501 l Housing 6 Pos I56 09 50 0ti1 IDIR Te nn1nal Crimp 1 3 2 t Al 11 For KKl5b Tenn1nal Strip 1 Vert Tenn1nal IACl CHASSlS COVER CH ASSI...

Page 99: ...rovement s into o ur pro ducts Occas i onally due to scheduling and print ing cor f l ict s these changes r11ay r ot be immediate ly included in technical manuals Ch a nge information which is not yet a permanent part of the manual will be noted in this section Alsc as y 1 1 rece ive techrii ca l b 1lletir s f rc 1 1 ITC we recommend that you file them here for quick reference a ...

Page 100: ...ine Electronic shock to personnel or damage to the machine may result You will be working on and near potential shock hazards NOTICE Follow all recognized methods of static electricity and ESD protection Static sensitive devices in the machine may be damaged unless protective measures are employed Pressure rollers are a key component in the tape drive path and should be inspected and serviced freq...

Page 101: parts by reversing the order of disassembly Cleaning and Maintenance Clean the pressure roller when a build up of contaminates becomes apparent on the roller Use only 99 isopropyl alcohol on a cotton cloth or cotton tipped applicator to clean the drive surface of the roller and the capstan motor shaft Do not allow any solvents or lubricants to contact the bearings of the roller or the motor Wh...

Page 102: ...B PAPST Motor Controller Printed Ci rcuit Board PCB Current Linliter screw 6 32 x 1 4 FH Motor Ctl PCB mount Spacer 6 x 1 4 x 3 16 Round 81 8000 1691 7 81 8000 2304 6 81 8000 2356 6 78 8037 1934 9 1 1 1 1 Spacer 6 x 1 4 x 1 4 Alum Rnd Screw 6 32 x 1 2 Steel Slot Pan Hd Screw 6 32 x 1 2 Nylon Slot Pan Hd Insulator SIL PAD 400 81 8000 3303 7 1 Cable Tie 4 81 8000 4841 5 1 Instruction Sheet CAUTION R...

Page 103: the deck front panel assembly slightly away from the c hassis Locate and gently disconnect the 13 pin plug Pl0l leading from the Motor Control PCB to the motor You may now slide the deck fron t panel assembly away fro m the chassis f o r full access to the Motor Control PCB Avoid pulling o n the head cables 4 From the underside of the chassis uns crew and remove the f our black flat head screws...

Page 104: ...n co nnecto r to the new motor control PCB at P102 and connect the red black wire pair 3 pin connector to the Reproduce PCB at P205 Connect the PAPST motor to t h e new Motor Con trol PCB via the 10 pin plug at Pl0l NOTE It is very i mportan t that Pin 1 of each connector be oriented as noted Otherwise t h e motor will not function properly Ch eck the motor rotor to i nsure t hat it is free from a...

Page 105: ...Limiter PCB cable s orange lead should be nearest t he front panel and the red lead closest to the moto r mounting ho le To avoid any conflict with the motor r otor run the 4 cable tie provided with this kit through t h e existing under deck cable clamp n o n eed to loosen the clamp so that the two sets of leads RED BLACK ORANGE BLACK running fro m the Cur ren t Li mi te r PCB to t he Motor Contro...

Page 106: ...I J401Y l M317 v alue PC BOfRD t a 11BER NOTE I 831 0330 003 l R402 f f IY NOT BE LOAIEl 2 A L RESIST ffiE OCSICNHED IN CH15 I Tin 3 1 E RESERVE TI RIGIT TO tff Q ffa S fNl Il FROVE t NTS OMEGA CURRENT LIMITER PJD 3 21 86 INTERNATIONAL TAPETRONICS CORPORATION II t a l1BER l 8 9 5 03 3 0 001 ...

Page 107: ...www SteamPoweredRadio Com 0 J401 IOR I 0 o 0 rr o c J z G rr R402 MAY NOT BE LOADED PC lll t1BER 831 0330 003 TITLE OMEGA CURRENT LIMITER ...

Page 108: ... 33 ufd 100V C119 686 0009 000 Capacitor Ceramic Disc 1 ufd 25V Cl20 695 17 16 013 Capacitor Electr olytic 47 ufd 16V Cl21 680 3163 033 Capacitor Polyester 33 ufd 63V C122 695 1735 013 Capa citor El ectrolytic 47 ufd 35V C123 680 3163 033 Capacitor Polyester 33 ufd 63V Cl24 677 0016 000 Capacitor Silver Mica 10 pfd 500V I RESISTORS RlOl 630 0135 000 Resistor Carbon Film l 4w 1 Meg ohm 5 R102 630 0...

Page 109: ...l0l 605 0012 000 VR102 605 0022 000 Separate SIP 3R 6 Pi n 100 ohm Separate SIP 3R 6 Pin 2 2K ohm Separate SIP 4R 8 Pin 22K ohm Common S I P SR 6 Pin l0K ohm Separate SIP 3R 6 Pin 100 ohm Separate SIP SR 10 Pin 1 5K ohm Separate SIP 5R 10 Pin 1 5K ohm Small Signal 1N4448 Small Signal 1N4448 Small Signal 1N4448 Small Signal 1N4448 Small Signal 1N4448 Small Signal 1N4448 Small Signal 1N4448 Small Si...

Page 110: ...93 000 300 0112 000 350 0658 000 352 0009 000 613 0045 000 837 0 101 002 Resistor Fixed Wire BWH 2 ohm 2w 5 Resistor Fixed Wire BWH 2 ohm 2w 5 Regulator LM317T 3 Pin Adjustable Socket Regulator 3 Pin Spacer Round Aluminum 6 x 25 x 187 Spacer Round Aluminum 6 x 25 x 25 Screw 6 32 x 1 2 Slotted Pan Hd Scr ew Nylon 6 32 x 1 2 Slotted Pan Hd Insul Pad SIL PAD 410 x 750 x 009 Cable Assembly Current Lim...

Page 111: ... 000 Wafer w lock 10 Pos 22 23 2101 Wafer w lock 3 Pos MLSSl00 3 100 Socket IC 8 Pin DIP Socket IC 8 Pin DIP Socket IC 20 Pin DIP Socket IC 16 Pin DIP Socket IC 16 Pin DIP PCB Foil Cut for 3 75 IPS Operation Wire Jumper Add for 3 75 IPS Operation Crystal 5 9432 MHZ 253 0096 002 Mounting Block Motor Control PCB 613 0051 001 Insulator SIL PAD 400 7 Pos Custom 352 0004 000 7 Screw Nylon 6 32 x 1 4 Sl...

Page 112: ...www SteamPoweredRadio Com w d u u ti I M r J z S J z Ill ii I i WW i NN WWM ffl a a I WV u ti ta ...
