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Phone: +36 1 211 21 30
ISO 13485:2003 / ISO 9001:2008
Budapest, HUNGARY
+36 1 211 21 29
Scan 150 BF/FL installation guide
March 23, 2020
1. Preparing the Workstation:
Note: All the plugs and cables are labeled, connect accordingly!
1.1 Unpack the Dell Precision 5820 Tower XCT workstation (AC-PCC-DL5820T-01).
1.2 Connect the power supply cable to the workstation and the power outlet.
1.3 Connect the mouse and keyboard.
1.4 Connect the Display port mini Display port adapter.
1.5 Unpack the Fujitsu Display (AC-PCM-MON-27UHD).
1.6 Connect the power supply cable to the display and the power outlet.
1.7 Connect the Display port cable to the mini Display port adapter (see step 1.4).
1.8 Plug in both HASP local dongle units (AC-LIC-HAS-010000).
2. Assembling the Scanner Unit:
2.1 Unpack the scanner unit (SCAN 150 BF/FL - SI2FGHM0001009SOL1) and put it on a steady
surface (preferably a professional lab desk to eliminate vibration).