Where to go next
You can now use the LSM to configure other features of the
X5, including Security Zones, Firewall Rules, and IPS
To register the 3Com X5, go to the 3Com eSupport Web site
). Detailed registration information
is included in the
X-5 Hardware and Installation Guide.
You can also register any optional licenses for Digital Vaccine
or Web Filtering.
Related documentation
For detailed installation instructions and further configuration
information, refer to the following manuals included on the
Documentation CD shipped with the product:
X-5 Installation and Safety Guide
X-Series Local Security Manager User Guide
Online Help is also available from the Local Security Manager
(LSM) interface.
For information on configuring and managing your X5 under
the Command Line Interface (CLI) control, see the
Command Line Interface Reference
Part Number: TECHD-172
Network information
Use this table to record information about your network for use
during configuration.
350 Campus Drive
Marlborough, MA
Copyright © 2006.
Digital Vaccine and X5 are registered trademarks and TippingPoint and the
TippingPoint logo are trademarks of 3Com Corporation or one of its subsidiaries. This document
contains confidential information or trade secrets or both, which are the property of 3Com
Corporation. This document may not be copied, reproduced, or transmitted to other in any matter,
nor may any use of the information in this document be made, except for the specific purposes for
which it is transmitted to the recipient without the prior consent of 3Com Corporation.
Quick Start
3Com X5
. Before using this document, read the
Hardware and Software Release Notes for any late-breaking
information regarding installation and configuration changes.
All referenced product documentation is included on the
Product Documentation CD.
This Quick Start guide provides basic instructions for
connecting a single PC to the internet through the X5 device.
The two main steps of the process are:
Connecting and booting the X5.
Connecting a PC to the X5 LAN port and accessing the web
management interface, called the Local Service Manager
For information on the concepts included in the X-Series
solution and background information on each area of
configuration, see the
X-Series Local Security Manager User
Table 1: Network Information Table
Network Addresses
Default Gateway (WAN Router):
Internal Interface (LAN)
External Interface
PPPoE on External
(provided by your ISP if
you use PPPoE to
Static IP address (optional):