the Input Scale Minimum and the decimal point position will always be the same as that
for the input.
NOTE: If this parameter is set to a value greater than the Recorder
Output Maximum Value, the sense of the Recorder Output is reversed.
Alarm 1 Value
{P} = C
This parameter may be modified/interrogated using a Type 2 message or a Type 3/4
message sequence. It defines the level at which Alarm 1 will go active. The decimal
point position is as for the input range.
Alarm 1 Hys tere sis Value
{P} = D
This parameter may be modified/interrogated using a Type 2 message or a Type 3/4
message sequence. It defines the hysteresis band applied to the “safe” side of Alarm 1.
The decimal point position is as for the input range.
Alarm 2 Value
{P} = E
This parameter may be modified/interrogated using a Type 2 message or a Type 3/4
message sequence. It defines the level at which Alarm 2 will go active. The decimal
point position is as for the input range.
Alarm 2 Hys tere sis Value
{P} = F
This parameter may be modified/interrogated using a Type 2 message or a Type 3/4
message sequence. It defines the hysteresis band applied to the “safe” side of Alarm 2.
The decimal point position is as for the input range.
Alarm 3 Value
{P} = N
This parameter may be modified/interrogated using a Type 2 message or a Type 3/4
message sequence. It defines the level at which Alarm 3 will go active. The decimal
point position is as for the input range.
Alarm 3 Hys tere sis Value
{P} = O
This parameter may be modified/interrogated using a Type 2 message or a Type 3/4
message sequence. It defines the hysteresis band applied to the “safe” side of Alarm 3.
The decimal point position is as for the input range.
In stru ment Status
{P} = L
This pa rame ter may be in ter ro gated only, us ing a Type 2 mes sage. The status
in for ma tion is en coded in the four dig its as the deci mal rep re sen ta tion of a bi nary
number. Each bit in the bi nary number has a par ticu lar sig nifi cance:
November, 2000
-DIN Digi tal In di ca tor
Sec tion 4
Product Man ual - Vol ume I
RS485 Se rial Com mu ni ca tions