2N TELEKOMUNIKACE a.s., www.2n.cz
– new password.
New password
– new password confirmation.
Confirm new password
– confirm and save the new password.
HTTPS is used for uploading the certificate for encrypted access via HTTPS.
certificate file uploading button (if no file is uploaded, the
automatically generated self-signed certificate is used).
3.2.13 Time
The Time tab helps you set the exact time to be used in
2N LiftGate
Time and date are always set automatically from the mobile network a few seconds
after the system startup (the time of the first system log records is thus 0:00 and the
date is Jan 1). Only if no SIM card is inserted or no mobile network signal is available,
the NTP server has to be used. If the first selected NTP server fails to respond, use the
second and then the third one.
– select the time zone (shift with respect to UTC).
Time zone