9.3. ATEUS
- BLUESTAR – PC Connection
When the program is running, communication with
the gateway has to be established for settings. This
is done by selecting the "Setting > Communication"
menu items. The basic setting is shown in the figure.
For more details see section
The "Gateway > Connect gateway" menu or the
"Connect gateway" icon on the button bar can be
used for gateway connection and gateway–PC
communication establishing.
Select the "Modem" function only for remote gateway supervision using a connected modem.
You can use a standard RS232* interface or Ethernet 10baseT (Telnet) connection for the
BLUESTAR -PC communication.
*The BLUESTAR port transmission rate is
If you have more gateways than one, then follow the gateway communication instructions included
in section 9.4.2.
9.4. Main Menu and Button Bar
The following menus are available here:
File -
for physical work with the configuration file
(for saving, loading see 6.4.1)
Gateway –
for physical gateway operations (one or more gateways)
(for connection, disconnection, etc. see 9.4.2)
Gateway control –
gateway operation commands
(for diagnostics, reset, DISA, etc. see 9.4.3)
Setting –
communication and language selections
– work with help.
Gateway Button