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Q120: Keyfob arm/disarm confirmation
Configures the system to activate a unique sound when the system is armed/disarmed with a keyfob. This feature can be assigned individually for
each Smart Area. (Smart Areas feature must be enabled (Q107) for settings for S2-S4 to affect the system) When enabled, the panel’s speaker
emits one (1) beep when arming and two (2) beeps when disarming the system with a keyfob. If an external alarm sounder is installed the system
sounds one (1) chirp when arming and two (2) chirps when disarming the system. Choose one of these options:
: Turns the feature ON. The system emits the unique sound.
Turns the feature OFF. The system does not emit the unique sound.
Q121: Keyfob/remote arming mode on system not ready
Defines how the system behaves when the system is armed remotely while sensors are open. Choose one of these options:
Auto-Bypass with Zone Participation on Restore:
Automatically bypasses all open sensors when the system is remotely
armed and, while armed, automatically removes the bypass if the sensor is restored to its normal state.
Automatically bypasses all open sensors when the system is remotely armed.
Arm Only When System Ready:
Does not allow the system to arm remotely when sensors are open.
Q122: Alarm cancel display
Configures the system to display an alert message letting the user know that an alarm cancellation report was sent to the Central Station. The
message is displayed if the alarm is canceled within the number of minutes specified in
Q204: Alarm cancel time, in minutes (5-255)
Choose one of these options:
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Turns the feature ON. This displays an alert message notifying the user that an alarm cancellation report was sent to the
Central Station. For compliance with ANSI/SIA CP- 01-2010, the default setting for this feature is enabled.
Turns the feature OFF. The system will not display an alert message when a cancellation report is sent to the Central Station.
Q123: Cross sensor zones 99-100
Defines the alarm verification requirement for a cross sensor zone. A cross sensor zone is comprised of two wireless sensors and both sensors
must be violated before the system activates the alarm. This means that before a cross sensor zone can activate an alarm, the sensors for both
Wireless Zone 99 and Wireless Zone 100 must be violated.
If only one of the two sensors in the cross sensor zone is violated, the system automatically transmits a trouble report about the violated sensor
to the Central Station. If both sensors in the cross zones are violated within the amount of time specified in
Q209: Cross sensor timeout, in seconds
, the system activates an alarm and also transmits an alarm report to the Central Station.
Carbon Monoxide Detectors and Smoke/Heat Alarms cannot be used in cross sensor zones.
Choose one of these options:
Turns the feature ON. The system transmits a trouble report to the Central Station when one sensor in a cross sensor zone is
violated and sets off an alarm when both sensors are violated.
Turns the feature OFF.
Q124: Event logs
Configures the system to define the types of system events that are recorded in the system’s History.
You have these options:
Does not record events.
All Events Except Open/Close/Bypass:
Records all events, except sensor opening, closing, and bypassing.
All Events Except Open/Close:
Records all events, except sensor opening and closing.
All Events:
Records all events.
Q125: LED Mode Control
(Default) Panel LED will show status during AC power loss.
- Panel LED will turn off during AC power loss. (Required for UL985).
Choose one of these options:
Turns the feature ON.
Turns the feature OFF.
Q126: Commercial Burglary Support
Allows the panel to be configured for UL1610 installations.
- Allows the panel Entry timers (Q202 & Q203) to be set for less than 30
(Default) – Entry timers are limited to a minimum of 30 seconds.
Turns the feature ON.
Turns the feature OFF.
Note: Enabling Q126 changes panel settings only. UL-1610 must also be enabled on the account.