Chromium™ Controller Readiness Test
Place the Test Chip assembled in 10x™ Chip Holder with a 10x™ Gasket installed on the
tray (align the diagonal etchings on the top left corner of the 10x Chip Holder and the
back left corner of the tray).
Press the button to retract the tray. Confirm the Chromium™ Test program shows on
screen and press the play button to begin the run.
Place the assembled Chip, 10x Chip
Holder and 10x Gasket in the tray and
press the button to retract the tray
Confirm the Chromium Test program
shows on the screen and press the
play button to start the run
At the completion of the run (3 min), the Chromium Controller will chime. Press the
button to eject the tray. Remove and disassemble the Chip Holder assembly. Press the
button again to retract the empty tray.
After the run is completed, press the
eject button to eject the tray
Remove the Chip Holder assembly and
press the button again to retract the
If there are any problems during this process, contact [email protected]
for further assistance.
Save the 10x Chip Holder for use with your Chromium Controller. The 10x Gasket and
Test Chip should also be stored.