Text Keyboard
Remove a WAV file from a Project:
If you no longer want to include a file in a project, you can remove it from the list of assets
for the project without deleting the WAV file.
Push EDIT.
Turn a knob or touch to select the file you want to remove from the project.
Touch File, then Remove.
When you remove a file from a project, you are taking it out of the list
of assets for that project. The file is still on the microSD card. Use
DELETE if you also want to erase the file from the microSD card to free
up space.
Rename a WAV File:
When bluebox records a WAV file, the file name is <track number> + <track name> +
<number>. For example, if you have renamed track 2 to DRUMS, the third recording for
that track is named 02-DRUMS-003. You can rename it to help you keep track of the files.
Push EDIT.
Touch File and then Rename. You will see a text
keyboard on screen.
Touch Clear at the top of the screen if you want to start
with a blank name. Turn a knob to change the cursor
position. Touch <– to backspace. Touch 123 or ABC to
change between text and number entry. Touch the ^ to
toggle between upper and lower case letters.
Touch Enter when you are done typing the new name.
Bluebox will change the display name of the file in the
list and change the name of the file on the microSD
Copyright 1010music LLC 2020
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Jan 7, 2021
Bluebox User Manual v 1.0.5