Let’s give some names to the elements on the screen so we can talk about them. Now is
also a good time to talk about the color conventions that bluebox uses to show the state
of different tracks.
The top bar of the screen displays timing information and warnings.
The numbers in the top left display the play clock time in the format
bars : beats
. The numbers in the top right display the time in the
hours : minutes : seconds
. The space in between these two
is usually blank. When the microSD card is almost full, red text will
appear here displaying the amount of space remaining on the card.
Consider cleaning up some files or getting an additional microSD
card if you need to continue to record.
The MIXER, TRACK, MAIN, EQ AND FX Control modes display the Meter Bridge and the
Main Output Level meter. The Meter Bridge shows the current level of the corresponding
input for each track. Generally, this is the level that is being sent to the Main output at
Out 1, after gain and volume settings are applied. In MIXER mode, the meters show the
signal being controlled at the time.
The text across the top of each meter is the track name. The pink track or tracks are
currently selected. Tap a track to change the selection. As you change settings, track
highlight colors and track name text colors indicate different states:
Green Highlight:
Solo mode.
Red Highlight:
Armed for recording.
Gray Text & Meter:
Pink Highlight:
Selected to work with the knobs
Light Blue Frame:
MIDI Learn mode is enabled. Controls with blue frames can be
mapped to a MIDI control. To toggle MIDI Learn mode on or
off, push EDIT, and then touch LEARN.
In MIXER control mode, there are a few triangular indicators along the edges of the
meters. The currently active indicator is white, and the others are gray. The indicator
moves as you change the level, and the current numeric setting is displayed on the meter.
The number disappears a few seconds after you stop changing the setting.
The bar along the right of the screen with the label M is the Main Output Level meter. This
meter represents the level of the output to Out 1. In MIXER control mode you can touch
the Main Output Level meter to mute it or arm it for recording.
Each of these first five control modes has a different set of controls along the bottom of
the display. MIXER, EQ and FX control modes have multiple control options that can be
accessed by pushing the control mode button repeatedly to cycle through the options.
with Storage
Copyright 1010music LLC 2020
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Jan 7, 2021
Bluebox User Manual v 1.0.5