To Use Slices to Synchronize Playback of Clip Pads:
You can use slices in a clip pad to synchronize playback of the beats in the clip. When
the value of the
parameter for a clip pad is set to
, bitbox mk2 will use the
location of the slices in the WAV file as the location of the “beats” for Sync purposes in
order to prevent timing drift.
But how do you get slices in a clip pad? First configure the pad in Slicer Mode, create
the slices, and then change the Pad Mode to Clip. The slices will still be visible on the
Waveform screen and can be used for synchronization.
Set Up a Granular Pad
The final pad mode is granular mode. Granular is similar to sample mode, but with the
additional ability to use multiple grains when playing back your sample. You can use
granular to facilitate loop cross fading and to generate new sounds from your samples.
In this mode, the sample is played back in small portions about 10 to 200ms in length,
called grains. You can control the size, count, spread and playback speed of the grains.
Granular pads support all of the same parameters as sample pads, along with the
following additional parameters:
Parameter Description
Range of Values
Grain Size
The size of the small segments of the
WAV file that will be played, measured
in number of samples.
, which is about 10ms to
about 200ms
How many different grains are layered
together during playback.
. Keep in mind that more grains
require more processor power.
The width of the range from which the
grains are randomly chosen for
playback. The range is centered
around the current playback position
in the WAV file.
How quickly the playback of the grains
advances through the source WAV
file. At 100% it will sound most like the
original file. At 50% it will be half
speed. At 200%, it will progress
through the WAV file at twice the
original rate.
In granular mode, the root note is used as a guide for randomizing the slice positions. If
the source file is a single tone, make sure the root note is set correctly to achieve more
musical sounds. If the source WAV file has multiple tones, experiment with the root note
parameter to get the effect you want or set it to None to remove this factor from the
grain engine.
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Bitbox MK2 1.0.8 User Manual