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Summary of Contents for Digital Camera


Page 2: ...GAZINE Sign up to our Capture Your World e magazine and every quarter you ll get advice news photographic hints tips delivered straight to your inbox For more information go to www captureyourworld co uk 3 CONTENTS CONTENTS THE POCKET GUIDE TO THE SAMSUNG NX 4 Anatomy Beginner NX A detailed look at the camera s external features 6 Anatomy Advanced NX A detailed look at the camera s external featur...

Page 3: ...ns and customisation PLAY Review the images and movies saved on your SD memory card Let s take a look at the key functions of the buttons and dials of Samsung s entry level NX digital camera BEGINNER 5 FOCUS ASSIST LIGHT In low light this LED shines to aid accurate focusing LENS RELEASE BUTTON Press and hold this to remove and exchange lenses SPEAKER Listen to your movies when in playback SMART SH...

Page 4: ...and hold for the built in camera guide when in the Menu PLAY Review the images and movies saved on your SD memory card Let s take a look at the key functions of the buttons and dials of the advanced level Samsung NX digital camera ADVANCED 7 FOCUS ASSIST LIGHT In low light this LED shines to aid accurate focusing MICROPHONE Record the sound of your HD movies LENS RELEASE BUTTON Press and hold to r...

Page 5: ... P A S M Movie mode on the main control dial 1 After choosing your mode press the Picture Wizard button 2 or the button scrolling through to the icon in the menu and then scroll through the desired effect you d like This is the Picture Wizard menu 3 Here s how to access the Scene modes and Picture Wizard within your NX series cameras MENU HELP DON T FORGET SDHC CARDS The Samsung NX range use SDHC ...

Page 6: ...djustments can be made with your eye to the EVF without you needing to go through the camera s menu You can more easily react to situations in front of you and then never miss that once in a lifetime picture Make fast changes to camera settings using Samsung s unique one touch option on NX lenses i FUNCTION DON T FORGET HOW TO USE iFn Press the iFn button to bring up the menu press it to scroll th...

Page 7: ...of around f 16 or f 22 so everything from the foreground all the way to the background appears in sharp detail also known as a deep depth of field So in essence your aperture is used to control what in the background looks detailed Learn how to control what details appear sharp in the background of your pictures using your aperture APERTURE DON T FORGET APERTURE PRIORITY MODE By turning the main c...

Page 8: ...action subjects need a fast shutter speed for example 1 500 second but you can only use these shutter speeds if your scene is bright enough Both the shutter and aperture are affected by the ISO speed see pages 16 17 the measure for how sensitive the camera is to light Learn how to freeze action subjects by using the camera s shutter speed SHUTTER DON T FORGET OPTICAL IMAGE STABILIZER This clever d...

Page 9: ...quality decreases and distortion appears as something called image noise an increase in coloured dots or grain in the image mainly seen in shadow areas However sophisticated software within all NX cameras removes this grain so now at even high ISO levels in low light situations your images will have smooth tones bright colours and virtually no grain The NX s sensitivity to light can be altered to ...

Page 10: ... the lens yourself for example a night scene or for a subject that s the same colour or tone as its background In Manual mode the scene is magnified in the display to help with focus accuracy From static portraits to the fastest action there is a focusing mode that s perfect for every situation AUTOFOCUS DON T FORGET FOUR FOCUSING OPTIONS In any shooting mode press the Fn button and scroll to AF a...

Page 11: For tricky lighting conditions such as on a sunny beach or shooting into the light there are various Scene modes that have been fine tuned for their respective shooting scenarios With the Samsung NX cameras you have an array of automatic modes or you can take complete control EXPOSURE DON T FORGET CHECK YOUR IMAGE The EVF and display show you exactly what your final image will look like If yo...

Page 12: ...e the camera recognises the prevailing lighting conditions and corrects things accordingly Sometimes though it s nice to take a little more control and explore your camera s abilities The NX series has nine settings for white balance including full auto and you can see the effect each has by scrolling through on the rear display To ensure accurate colour you need to set the right white balance for...

Page 13: ...nd to increase colour saturation in an image for example shooting a portrait that is backlit by sunshine In the automatic modes the camera sets the flash for you but you do have some creative options too For example increasing the flash power for more distant or darker subjects 2nd Curtain for low light movement and high speed flash The built in and accessory flash units do a whole lot more than j...

Page 14: ...ough a second third or fourth additional Smart Filter The point is to just have fun and experiment In camera Smart Filters are great fun to play with and add an extra dimension to your photos FILTERS 1 THE POCKET GUIDE TO THE SAMSUNG NX THE NX SYSTEM FISH EYE HALFTONE DOTS DEFOG ORIGINAL IMAGE 27 THE NX SYSTEM THE POCKET GUIDE TO THE SAMSUNG NX HOW TO FIND THEM Press the Playback button 1 and then...

Page 15: ... types of scene so they enhance the colours for example enhancing autumn colours with the Autumn Style option Create coloured effects to your images after taking them using the Photo Style Selector FILTERS 2 CLASSIC FOREST ORIGINAL IMAGE AUTUMN THE POCKET GUIDE TO THE SAMSUNG NX THE NX SYSTEM THE NX SYSTEM THE POCKET GUIDE TO THE SAMSUNG NX GLOOMY MISTY SOFT VIVID 1 2 3 HOW TO FIND THEM Press the ...

Page 16: ...unction see page 22 on digital cameras NOISE GRAIN As the ISO number increases from 100 to 6400 image quality decreases and distortion appears in the picture as something called image noise an increase in coloured dots or what looks like grain into the image that can mainly be seen in shadow areas It can be used for creative effect or removed by the camera with High ISO Noise Reduction software th...

Page 17: ... romper suits and toiletries when shot creatively can make great little memory snaps You could switch to Movie mode and with one touch you can shoot richly detailed HD movies of toe grabbing gurgling and their first smile Capture those first few precious moments of your newborn s gurgles smiles and toe grabbing BABIES DON T FORGET SOUND PICTURES To add that extra dimension the latest NX cameras ca...

Page 18: ...k them to make ten funny faces and shoot a sequence splash in puddles in the rain go for a leaf stomp in autumn or dress them up in their favourite costume and have a photographic adventure Children never stop moving but this is why they make such fun and interesting subjects to photograph CHILDREN DON T FORGET A TELEPHOTO ZOOM A longer focal length will allow you to sit back and capture more natu...

Page 19: ...have to be looking at the camera Keep your composition tight around your group to avoid distracting backgrounds and why not ask them to wear clothes that will add a splash of colour When posing don t just line them up get your subjects at different levels and heights perhaps use a tree or fence if outdoors or the back of a sofa or the stairs if at home The secret to great family shots is to try an...

Page 20: ...the NX s combination of high ISO sensitivity and Optical Image Stabilization OIS technology help capture all that colour and atmosphere in sharp detail without blur and shake spoiling your pictures Capture your friends and family enjoying themselves and some funny memories to boot PARTIES DON T FORGET AUTO RED EYE To prevent red eye select this from the Flash menu and then snap away do not move th...

Page 21: ...l the hard work for you Smart Auto mode is perfect for such occasions as it s set up for those quick snapshot moments though you may want to consider a longer lens such as the Samsung NX 50 200mm zoom for that little extra reach Let the camera do all the hard work for you so you can relax and grab memories that make it special WEDDINGS DON T FORGET MOVIE MODE To avoid missing even one second of th...

Page 22: ...ompetitors pass try moving to just beyond the finish line This means a less cluttered background to your picture plus you can photograph your child running the whole length of the race Record great shots of your budding Olympians as they run jump and throw their way to victory SPORTS DAY DON T FORGET A TELEPHOTO LENS A long telephoto lens will allow you to fill the frame with just your child as th...

Page 23: contrast from large picture windows French doors or conservatories give a softer feel to the images Shooting this style couldn t be simpler in the NX s dedicated Portrait Scene mode all you need to do is find a comfortable relaxed pose perhaps even use a prop such as a cup newspaper or a pet and start shooting always using the eyes as the point of focus Shoot lifestyle pictures of friends and f...

Page 24: ...ity will come to the fore Using a wide angle include some of the background in the shot to give a sense of place and scale The dedicated Night mode will allow you to just point and shoot and sort the flash settings Alternatively switch your ISO to 3200 to make the camera more sensitive to light and avoid using flash altogether and use more of the ambient light Capture atmospheric memories of peopl...

Page 25: to the local park or beach and capture your waggy tailed friend enjoying playing catch or splashing in the water For smaller pets use the Macro mode to get in real close or place them on the floor and get down low with them Photograph your favourite four legged friends capturing their characters and having fun at the same time YOUR PET DON T FORGET FOCUS ON THE EYES As with pictures of people ...

Page 26: ...ght shadowy or dark places There are two modes Active for when pressing the shutter halfway or Always On APERTURE The aperture is used to control what in the image appears in sharp focus also known as depth of field DOF A small aperture say f 22 makes things from the front to the back of the picture appear sharp and detailed so has a deep DOF but needs bright conditions A big aperture or wide aper...

Page 27: ... capture in one shot take multiple images for a picture montage you can create at home on your PC Lastly make sure you look in all directions for picture potential from under your feet to above your head even shooting from a high vantage down on the town Take memorable pictures of new places you are exploring with your camera and lenses IN THE TOWN DON T FORGET SMART FILTERS Smart Filters enable y...

Page 28: ...tracts Try and avoid midday as the light is very harsh but you could create shade with a parasol Another trick is to use your sunglasses infront of your camera lens to help reduce contrast Photograph special moments of the whole family having fun in the sun while on holiday THE BEACH DON T FORGET TO ADD FLASH It may seem bonkers to suggest flash on a bright sunny day but flash helps add light into...

Page 29: ...cts is really handy too plus having a fast picture capture rate that enables multiple shots to be taken As it s likely to be very bright ensure you attach your lenshood to avoid light flare spoiling your pictures Ensure you come back from your once in a lifetime trip with images you can hang on your walls at home ON SAFARI DON T FORGET A LONG TELEPHOTO LENS Using the Samsung NX 50 200mm will help ...

Page 30: ...erexposing But don t worry the NX series have an automatic Beach Snow Scene mode for just such conditions For the fast stuff select the Sport Scene mode and use a longer zoom lens to get close to the action and fill the frame And don t just look on the ground for images look for skiiers doing arial tricks and even the odd wipe out these look superb in the 30 frames a second Burst mode Capture all ...

Page 31: ...eflections in puddles or rivers silhouettes of people in shop windows street entertainers multi coloured cityscapes and brightly lit architecture Don t forget the small stuff too these details make memorable snaps of things easily forgotten dinner tables and food hotel rooms road signs and coffee cups or cocktails in a bar When the sun goes down and lights come on you don t have to put your camera...

Page 32: ...our wide angle lens It s also a chance for interactions with locals that can make great little movie memories Markets can also look superb if taken from a high vantage point looking down to capture the whole scene juxtapositioning the hurly burly of activity against the calm of the surrounding buildings particularly if a night market Take your camera with you to record the hustle and bustle of loc...

Page 33: ... the stalls or use the Night mode while supporting your camera for long exposure light trails as the sun heads south To make even more of the colours select the Vivid Picture Wizard mode and increase the saturation And there is nothing like a HD movie of the family getting a soaking on the log flume or racing go karts you may need to add your telephoto zoom lens Capture the laughter cuddly toys an...

Page 34: ...ter you ve taken a normal still image a seven second sound clip is recorded alongside as a form of voice memo or ambience recording SELF PORTRAIT AF Turning the camera around to shoot a self portrait makes it tricky to check accurate focus This focusing mode is automatically set for close up arm s length and when in focus you hear fast beeps and can take a picture UNDEREXPOSURE Camera meters work ...

Page 35: ...bout putting things in the foreground of your picture to help tell more of the location s story And don t be afraid to use people in your pictures to give a sense of scale Lastly summer storms can look wonderful in colour and black white Heading out into the hills and dales keeps us healthy and refreshed just remember to take your NX WALKING DON T FORGET LANDSCAPE PICTURE WIZARD This colour mode o...

Page 36: ...amazing If you are silhouetting a person by turning on the flash you ll create a startling portrait the flash lights the person yet the camera captures all of the wonderful sky colours the French call this technique contra jour There are few more richly coloured spectacles in nature than a sky catching fire at the end of the day SUNSETS DON T FORGET VIVID PICTURE WIZARD The Vivid Picture Wizard or...

Page 37: ...ts of squirrels being fed using a telephoto lens colourful flowers and insects in close The key is to go prepared with your standard wide angle lens and a long zoom as well Use the NX s most appropriate Scene mode for what you re shooting or slip it into Smart or Program mode and let the NX sort the techy bits From flowers and insects to adventure playgrounds there is always something to snap at t...

Page 38: ...nd tiny flowers blowing in soft breezes What s even better is that these are as interesting when photographed on overcast days when the light is softer more even and colours slightly muted With close objects keep them parallel to the camera to get a deep depth of field and watch you don t block too much light with your body As places that are ever changing beaches make interesting detail and abstr...

Page 39: ...ld all bobbing in a gentle breeze Use interesting angles and shapes in the pictures contrast colours together even using the cobalt blue sky getting down low and shooting up with your wide angle lens Lastly you can even pop out on cloudy overcast days as there is less contrast in pictures Why not go on your own garden safari in search of delicate blooms and bright summer colour FLOWERS Use Portrai...

Page 40: ...ok for boardwalks snaking through trunks small streams and babbling brooks that can take the eye on a journey through the scene Remember to look all around for potential snaps including pointing the camera up at the canopy using a wide angle to capture trees reaching for the skies You can use friends and family in your scenes to add scale and a spot of colour too And let s not forget swathes of bl...

Page 41: ...the scene horizontally or vertically You can do this by hand or use some form of support such as a tripod wall or a fence post A unique style of image that looks great for wild landscapes and cityscape vistas PANORAMAS There are two OIS modes on when you press the shutter and always on THE POCKET GUIDE TO THE SAMSUNG NX THE NX SYSTEM THE NX SYSTEM THE POCKET GUIDE TO THE SAMSUNG NX 81 DON T FORGET...

Page 42: ... them A camera can do the same when in auto white balance AWB However with the NX you can take more control and set the WB yourself or for a bit of fun you can set the wrong white balance IMAGE RATIOS SHAPE SIZE The standard film rectangle shape is 4 3 this ratio relates to the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the image However with the NX you can automatically alter the shape of the image yo...

Page 43: ... System GPS module sits in the NX s hotshoe and enables you to never forget where that amazing picture was taken It automatically tags every photo taken by the location it was shot and categorises your images by the closest city GPS MODULE GEOTAG YOUR IMAGES 85 THE NX SYSTEM THE POCKET GUIDE TO THE SAMSUNG NX GREAT FOR SATURATING BLUE SKIES GREAT FOR PROTECTING YOUR LENSES GREAT FOR BLOCKING LIGHT...

Page 44: ...Weight 89g 20mm Pancake f 2 8 NX iFN PRIME LENS 200mm 87 THE NX SYSTEM THE POCKET GUIDE TO THE SAMSUNG NX GREAT FOR SPORTS ACTION SPECIFICATION Filter size 52mm Closest focus 98cm Size 70x100 5mm Weight 417g There will be times when your kit lens doesn t have the reach to capture your subject sufficiently as they end up disappointingly small in the picture So to fill the frame with distant objects...

Page 45: ... small movements and aid image sharpness when hand holding 18 55mm II f 3 5 5 6 NX iFN 18mm 89 THE NX SYSTEM THE POCKET GUIDE TO THE SAMSUNG NX GREAT FOR ALL ROUND SPECIFICATION Filter size 40 5mm Closest focus 28cm Size 64x39 8mm Weight 119g As with the 18 55mm lens on the left this is the standard or kit lens that comes bundled with beginner level NX cameras It covers a focal length range that i...

Page 46: ...d gives a perspective to your images that s close to the human eye yet is just 21 5mm deep hence the term Pancake 30mm Pancake f 2 0 NX PRIME LENS GREAT FOR ALL ROUND 91 THE NX SYSTEM THE POCKET GUIDE TO THE SAMSUNG NX 16mm f 2 4 An ultra wide angle prime lens with a fast aperture and excellent optics 60mm f 2 8 MACRO ED OIS Open up to a whole new world of close up photography 18 200mm f 3 5 6 3 E...
