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NWSP Wrist Unit 
Assembly Instructions 


1 (12) 

Copyright © 2008 Nokia Corporation 

Tom Ahola 2008-05-15 







Nokia Wrist Attached Sensor Platform 


Wrist Unit Assembly Instructions 


Tom Ahola 2008-05-15 

Copyright © 2008 Nokia Corporation 




Electronics assembly....................................................................................................................3




Bluetooth antenna and keypad ..............................................................................................3




Charger terminals and battery................................................................................................4




Putting together the circuit boards..........................................................................................7




Adding the vibration motor .....................................................................................................9




Connecting the display.........................................................................................................10




Final assembly ...........................................................................................................................12



Summary of Contents for NWSP

Page 1: ... Platform Wrist Unit Assembly Instructions Tom Ahola 2008 05 15 Copyright 2008 Nokia Corporation Contents 1 Electronics assembly 3 1 1 Bluetooth antenna and keypad 3 1 2 Charger terminals and battery 4 1 3 Putting together the circuit boards 7 1 4 Adding the vibration motor 9 1 5 Connecting the display 10 2 Final assembly 12 ...

Page 2: ...shows the complete assembled unit The two golden charger terminals are on the right side and the opening for the power switch is on the top side these are not visible in the picture There is a plastic plug that can be pushed into the power switch opening to improve dust and water resistance Note however that the metal gratings on the frontside are neither dust nor water proof Figure 1 NWSP Develop...

Page 3: ...not be anything glue solder wires shooting out to the flat side of the board The wires don t have to be inserted into the holes but can be soldered to the surface only The wires should be connected so that each one of the five pads on the keypad board are connected to each one of the pads on the add on board in order with the orientation of boards shown in the figure The wires should bend to the d...

Page 4: ...e Be careful when soldering to the circuit board that there is insulation around the wire close to the board When the wire is bent there is risk of short circuit to the neighbouring soldering pads on the circuit board Use insulating hot glue if necessary but make sure the wires plus glue will not be higher than 1 5mm above the board surface because the second board will be attached on top of this ...

Page 5: ...NWSP Wrist Unit Assembly Instructions 5 12 Copyright 2008 Nokia Corporation Tom Ahola 2008 05 15 Figure 4 Attaching the charger terminal wires to the sensor platform board ...

Page 6: ... switch is in OFF position It must not be turned on before the device has been flashed with firmware Otherwise the I O terminals of the FPGA are in an undefined state and this can cause permanent damage to the device and it can become very hot Carefully observe battery polarity Wires can be soldered directly to the battery terminals taking care not to overheat the battery The middle contact of the...

Page 7: ... boards Use both hands to simultaneously press both connectors together Look from the side to make sure the board are completely pressed together The connector pins should completely go inside the platform board and not be visible looking from the side There should be a small snap when the connectors mate Check that the wires to the charger connector are neatly between the boards and are not block...

Page 8: of the circuit board assembly It is important that the end of the battery with the wires is not protruding including wires and glue outside the edge of the circuit boards In the figure the battery is slightly too much to the left leaving the glued wires outside the board making the assembly too wide to fit into the mechanics The JTAG connector J6 on the right should not be blocked by the batter...

Page 9: ...hich is a coin type that runs off the 3 7V battery voltage Note the short blue and red wires that are soldered to the circuit board In the figure the battery has a white plastic holder If these holders are not used the vibra must be taped or glued directly to the battery taking care that the battery terminals are not short circuited even if the vibra becomes loose There is a cavity for the vibra i...

Page 10: ...the electronics assembly in locations shown in Figure 10 ignore everything else in this picture as it is showing the development unit where there are no components on the circuit board supports for the LCD display should be placed These supports should be approximately 3mm high and flexible In this prototype three layers of 1mm thick double sided foam tape has been used ...

Page 11: ...mbly Ignore everything else in this picture as it is showing the development unit The LCD has been attched to the platform in Figure 9 First snap the LCD connector in place and then lower the LCD to the double sided tape supports Because it is not possible to adjust the position of the display after it has been taped the connector must be connected before the display touches the tape ...

Page 12: ...ression when the case is closed For a typical battery of 4 6mm thickness approximately 0 8 mm filler is needed In Figure 5 the filler is a sheet of cardboard glued to the bottom of the casing The filler can also be rubber tape or similar The pressure should be gentle on the diplay so it does not bend or break but firm enough so that the connectors between the circuit boards stays connected and the...
