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Summary of Contents for 100.06902

Page 1: ...glish Espafiol KenmoreElite Food Processor Procesador de alirnento ModelsiModelos 100 06902 _ Brushed Aluminum 100 06912 _fack P N I34779000B OS07 Sears BrandsManagement Corporation Hoffma nEstates IL60179U S A www kenmore com ww w seclrs com ...

Page 2: ...ock do not put Food Processor in water or other liquld 3 Close supervision is necessary when any appliance is used by or near children 4 UNPLUG from outlet when not in use before putting on or taking off parts and before cleaning 5 AVOID contact with moving parts 6 DO NOT operate any appliance witt_ a damaged cord or plug or after the appliance malfunctions or has been dropped or damaged in any ma...

Page 3: ... will not fit into a receptacle have the proper receptacle installed by a qualified electrician 17 A short power supply cord or detachable powersupply cord is provided to reduce risks resulting from becoming entangled in or tripping over a longer cord 1_This appliance is for household use only 19 SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS Fig I Pusher Lock _ _ Smoli food pusher Big food pusher Chute Fine Slice Bowl ...

Page 4: ...or soft cheeses _ IMPORTANT For your protection this unit has an interlock system The Processor will not operate unless the Bowl is properly locked onto Base and Cover is properly locked onto the Bowl Do not attempt to operate the unit without the Bowl Bowl Lid and Food Chute Lid correctly in place ASSEMBLY I Make sure the power cord is unplugged 2 Be sure Food Processor base is on a flat dry dean...

Page 5: ... the Cover counterclockwise towards the center front until it clicks NOTE There is only one position for the Bowl Cover to lock onto Bowl The unit will not operate if the Bowl Cover does not lock onto the Bowl or if big food pusher Lid does not latch onto the Food Chute 6 Make sure big food pusher is securely latched into place 7 Pull the big food pusher into place and lock the unit is ready to op...

Page 6: ...ush the OFF button This is good for less tender food and items that take a while longer to process CHOPPING 1 Lock the Bow onto the Base as described in Assembly 2 Place the Multipurpose Chopping Blade onto the Center Post see Fig 4 CAUTION Blades shredding discs and the small spatula slicing shredding which are sharp Handle carefully 1 3 Place food to be chopped into Bowl Refer to Chopping Guide ...

Page 7: ...y 2 Slide the disc Stem down onto the center post of the base then place the slice shred discs with the desired side facing up for either slicing or shredding onto the disc stem and push down At this point the disc will be at the top at the bowl _ ARNING Slicing ShreddingDiscsare very sharp Usecautionwhen handling 3 Lock the Food Pusheronto the food chute At this point the movable loop works as pa...

Page 8: place food into the food chute and repeat above steps When finished pressOFF unplug and allow disc to stop rotating CAUTION Beforeopeningthe BOW_ r CoverAssembly be sureyou j haveturned the unit Off and unpluggedthe cord I 8 Open bowl cover by turning c_ockwise and remove disc with disc stem WARNING Slicing ShreddingDiscis _ery sharp Usecautionwhen I handling I 9 Unlock Bowl by turning clockw...

Page 9: ...illuminate to show that the food processor is connected to power and ready to operate _ WARNING Food mustalwaysbe usedwhen food J pusher processing NEVERusehandto pushfood directly I 7 Push the ON button then press down tightly but firmly on food pusher to feed items down and onto slice shred disc When the chute is empty press OFE 8 To process additional items unplug the food processor and add mor...

Page 10: ...dhere to the inside of the work bowl It requir esbss kneading after the ingredients are mixed DO NOT try to use the food processor to knead dough that is too stiff to knead comfortably by hand_ Because the dough blade does not extend to the outside rim of the work bowl it cannot pick up all the flour when small amounts are pracessed Therefore usethe dough blade when a recipe calls for more than 3 ...

Page 11: ...liquid 4 All removabie parts can be washed by hand or in a dishwasher in the top rack Do not put in or near the utensil basket 5 6 If washing removable parts by hand wash in hot sudsywater rinse and dry thoroughly if necessary use a small nylon bristle brush to thoroughly clean the Bowl and Bowl Cover Assembly This type of brush will also help prevent cutting yourself on the Chopping Blade and Sli...

Page 12: ...mbs from graham crackers chocolate or vanilla wafers J Pulse to chopto desired fineness Con also add sugar to make cranberry relish Peel dry and halve harol_cooked eggs Add to Bow Pulse to chop checking fineness offer 4 5 pulses Be sure Bowl is dry Drop clove s down bad chute while unit is running i J Cut 1he meat into 14nch cubes Add to bowl and pulse to chap Halve large ones end add to Bowl Puls...

Page 13: ...g disc for very fine cabbage or slow Cut into pieces to fit chute Shred using ight pressure Empty Bowl as cabbage reaches disc L _ J _ _siSiOn in chute and shred Cheese must be well chilled Cut to fit chute 1 T rill i J Cheese Mo_areffa Cheese must be chilled in freezer for 30 minutes prior to shredding Cut to fit chute Use light pressure to push pieces into the chute Potatoes Cut to fit chute H L...

Page 14: ...L Halve and core Position upright in chute and slice using light pressure p Keep whole cut stem end off and seed keep top end intact Fitpepper into chute intact end to the top squeezing slightly to fit if necessary Cut large ones into quarters or strips depending on desired results Slice using moderate pressure Cut into 3 in lengths Remove inedible casing j_ _ Peel if desired Positionin chute cutt...

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Page 16: ...cercana esnecesaria cuando cualquieraparato es usado pot o cerca a nifios 4 DESENCHUFEde la toma cuando no se usa antes de porterencima o sacar piezas y antesde limpiar 5 EVITE e contacto con fas partes m6viles 6 NO funcioneningOn aparato con una cuerda oun enchufe dafiado o despu_sde que el aparato funcioneincorrectamenteo se haya aido o se haya da_ado de cualquier rnanera Devuelvael aparato a la...

Page 17: ...cabe en a el recept6culottenga el recept6culo apropiado instalado par unelectricistacalificado 17 Un cable cortode proveerenergfa o cable desmontablede proveerenergfa debe set proporcionadopara reducir el riesgoresuttadodel enredo o tropezar sobreunacuerda larga 18 Esteaparato est6 sotamente para el usoen la casa 19 GUARDE ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES Fig 1 Btoqueo de empujador _ Empujador de alimentos peq...

Page 18: ...ida_dtiene un sistema de protecci6n de segurldad El procesador no funclonar6 a menos que la vasija se bloquee correclamente sabre la base y la cubierta se bloquea colrectamente sobreta vasija No procure funclonar la unidad sin la vasija ia tapa de la vasija y la lapa dei canal de alimento correctamente en su lugar ASAMBLEA 1 Cerci6rese de que el interruptor de la perilla de control est6 en la posi...

Page 19: ... a la lzquierda hacia el centro delantero hasta que haga clic NOTA Solamente hay una posici6n para que la cubierta de ta vasija se trabe sobre la vasija La unidad no funcionar6 si la cubierta de ia vasija no se traba sabre la vasija o si el empujador de alimentos grandes no traba sobre et canal del alimento Cerci6resede que el empujador de alimentos grandes est_ trabada con seguridad en lugar Arra...

Page 20: ...GADO Esto es bueno para menos alimento _yart_culos 6Jondos que Ileven un rato m6s de largo de procesar PICAR 1 Fije ta vasija sobre la base seg0n Io des_ ritoen Asamblea 2 Coloque la aspa Multiprop6sit0iPicar sobre el poste central v_ase Fig 4 _ RECAUCi6N L6minas de picar discos y esp6tula pequeEa de rebanar picar son agudos Maneje cuidadosamente 3 Coloque el alimento que se picar6 en la vasiia Re...

Page 21: de la base despu_s coloque el disco de RebanariDesfibrar con el lado deseado hacla arriba para rebanar o desfibrar sabre el tronco del disco y empu e hacia abajo A este punto el disco estar6 en la cima de a vaslja _ ADVERTENCIA El disco de Rebanar Desflbrar es muy agudo I V Tenga cuid_da cuando Io maneja I 3 Fije el Empujador de Alimento sabre el canal de alimento A este punto el lazo movible t...

Page 22: ...nto Para procesar m_satimento0coloque el alimento en el canal de alimento y repita los pasosde arriba Cuando es terminado presione APAGAR0 desenchufe y permita que el disco parede rotar 8 PRE I Antes de abrir el montaje de cubierta de la vasija sea seguro que usted ha APAGADO a unidad y ha desenchufado a cuerda Lacubierta abierta dettaz6n de fuente dando vuelta a la derecha y quita el disco con el...

Page 23: ...procesador del alimentoe_t6 conectadocon la energiay listopara rune anat ADVERTENCIA Elempujado del a imento _ debesetutflizadasiemprea p ocesarj el alimento NUNCAutilicela monaparaempujar el alimento directamente 1 7 Empujeel bot6n ant despu6sapri6telo ligeramenteperofirmementeen el empujador del alimentopara alimentararticulos y sabrediscode rebanada trizas Cuan_oel canalinclinadoesvac o presion...

Page 24: ...ere menos amasamiento despu_s de que se mezclen los ingredientes No intente utilizar el procesador del alimento para amasar la pasta que es demasiado tiesa para amasar comfortablemente a mano Porque la aspa ia pasta no extiende al horde exterior de la vasija de trabajo no puede tomar toda la harina cuando se procesan las cantidades pequefias Par Io tanto utilice la aspade pasta cuando una receta r...

Page 25: ...les se pueden lavar a mane o en un lavaplatos en el estante superior No ponga adentro ni cerca a la cesta gel utensilio 5 Si lave piezas desprendibles a mano lave en agua caliente jabonosa enjuague y seque a rondo 6 Encaso de necesidad ufilice un ceptllo de cerda nylon pequetio para cepillar a rondo la Vasija y Montaje de Cubierta de la vasija Este tipo de cepillo tambi_n ayudar6 a evitar de corta...

Page 26: ...1 2 tazas Cdrte la came en OScubes de 1 pulgada 600mt Agregue ala vc_sijay pulse pare pleat Haste 1 2 media Porte los grandesen dos y agregue ata Vasija Pulse ala fineza deseada Agregue a la vasija y pulse pare picar r Cuarto y agregue a a vasija_ PuLse1 o 2 veces pare picot grueso Pare as cebollos verdes haste 2 tazas cortadas en pedazos de t pu igada_ _ Permita que el queso a conce a temperature...

Page 27: ...l o ensalada de col muy ftna Carte en pedazos para caber en el canal Desfibre usando a pres 6n ligera Vacie rio vasija coma col alcance el disco Ques0 Cheddar Pos_ci6n en cana y desfibre El queso debe ser blen enfrlado Carte para caber en el canal Queso Mozarela El queso se debe enfriar en et ongelador par 30 minutos antes de desfibrar Carte para caber en el canal Ufilice a presj6rt ligera Papas a...

Page 28: ...Amarillo etc Salchichones Papas Fresas Tomates Nabos Calabac n r MantencJa entero carte la punta de taffo y semilla_ mantencja el extremo superior intacto Ponga la pimienta en el canaJ intacte el final hacia arriba_ exprimiendo levemente para caber en caso de necesidad Carte unos grandes en cuartos o tiras dependiendo de los resultados deseados F_ebane con la presi6n mod erada Carte en longitudes ...

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Page 30: ...e vacuums lawn equipment and electronics call anytime for the location of the nearest Sears Parts Repair Service Center 1 800 488 1222 U S A 1 800 469 4663 Canada www sears corn www sears ca To purchasea protectionagreement on a product serviced by Sears 1 800 827 6655 u sJ_ 1 800 361 6665 Canada Para pedir servicio de reparaci6n a domicilio y para ordenar piezas 1 888 SU HOGAR 1 888 784 6427 www ...
