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The NRX-WS-[xx] radio wall-mounted sounder is a battery operated 

RF device designed for use with the NRXI-GATE radio gateway (part 

of the Agile™ wireless system) running on an addressable fire system 

(using a compatible proprietary communication protocol). 
It is a two stage sounder module combined with a wireless RF 

transceiver  that  fits  into  a  standard  B501RF  wireless  base.  The 

appropriate volume and tone settings are selected by special 

application software (AgileIQ™). The 2nd stage tone (related to the 

1st stage tone) is controlled by the fire panel via the RF Gateway.
This  device  conforms  to  EN54-3  and  EN54-25.  It  complies  with  the 

requirements of 2014/53/EU for conformance with the RED directive.


Sounder unit 



B501RF base 



Batteries (Duracell Ultra 123 or Panasonic Industrial 123)  4

NRX-WS-[xx] radio sounder installation instructions 



Supply Voltage:  

2.5-3.3 V Direct Current.

Standby Current:  

93 µA@ 3V (typical in normal operating mode)

Max Current Consump:  120 mA average (High Volume Tone 20)

Max Output Power: 

102 dB(A) @ 1m (High Volume Tone 13)

Re-Sync Time: 

35s (max time to normal RF communication from 

device power on)


4 X Duracell Ultra123 or Panasonic Industrial 123

Battery Life: 


4 years @ 25



Radio Frequency:   

865-870 MHz, Channel width: 250kHz

RF Output Power:  

14dBm (max)


500m (typ. in free air)

Relative Humidity: 

5% to 95% (non-condensing)

IP Rating: 



This equipment and any associated work must be installed in 

accordance with all relevant codes and regulations.

Figure 1 details the installation of the B501RF base.

Spacing between radio system devices must be a Minimum of 1m

Figure 2 details attaching the sounder to the base.

Anti-Tamper Features

The base includes a feature that, when activated, prevents removal of 

the sounder from the base without the use of a tool.  See Figures 3a 

and 3b for details on this. 

Head Removal Warning -

 An alert message is signalled to the CIE via 

the Gateway when a sounder is removed from its base.

Figure 4 details the battery installation and the location of the rotary 

address switches.


Batteries should only be installed at the time of commissioning


Observe the battery manufacturer’s precautions for use

 and requirements for disposal. Possible explosion 

risk if incorrect type is used.

Do not mix batteries from different manufacturers. When 

changing the batteries, all 4 will need to be replaced. 

Using these battery products for long periods at

temperatures below -20°C can reduce the battery

life considerably (by up to 30% or more)


Set the loop address by turning the two rotary decade switches on the 

underside of the sounder (see figure 4), using a screwdriver to rotate 

the wheels to the desired address. The device will take one sensor 





Figure 1: B501RF Mounting






351 g

(66 g)

285 g

Figure 2: Attaching Sounder to Base

121 mm

75 mm



50-60 mm

107 mm





Figure 3a: Activation of Tamper Resist Feature


Figure 3b: Removing 

Sounder From Base









I 56- 6591- 000

Notifier by Honeywell, 140 Waterside Road, Hamilton Industrial Estate, Leicester, LE5 1TN, UK

Summary of Contents for NOTIFIER NRX-WS-RR

Page 1: ...stem devices must be a Minimum of 1m Figure 2 details attaching the sounder to the base Anti Tamper Features The base includes a feature that when activated prevents removal of the sounder from the base without the use of a tool See Figures 3a and 3b for details on this Head Removal Warning An alert message is signalled to the CIE via the Gateway when a sounder is removed from its base Figure 4 de...

Page 2: ...ming operation using the Device Direct Command in AgileIQ See Radio Programming and Commissioning Manual ref N200 306 00 for details 1 Take the un commissioned sounder ensure that the address is set to 00 default setting 2 Insert the batteries 3 Select the Device Direct Command tab in AgileIQ double click on the screen to reveal the options and follow the instructions to configure the sounder tone...

Page 3: ...rmittent 950 0 22Hz 0 5s on 0 5s off rpt x3 1 5s off 12 20 1 Continuous 800 22 21 1 Sweep 400 1200 0 5s on 0 5s off rpt x3 1 5s off 12 22 Sweep 1200 500 0 99Hz 1s on 0 01s off 20 23 Sweep 2400 2850 7Hz 10 24 1 Sweep 500 1200 0 5s off 3 5s on 8 25 Sweep 800 970 50Hz 8 26 Sweep 800 970 7Hz 8 27 Sweep 800 970 1Hz 8 28 Sweep 2400 2850 50Hz 10 29 Sweep 500 1000 7Hz 8 30 Sweep 500 1200 500 0 166Hz rise ...

Page 4: ...essere svolti in accordo a tutte le normative e codici pertinenti Nella Figura 1 sono riportati i dettagli dell installazione della base B501RF Lo spazio tra i dispositivi di un sistema radio deve essere come minimo di 1 m Nella Figura 2 sono riportati i dettagli di ancoraggio della sirena sulla base Caratteristiche anti manomissione La base è dotata di una funzione che quando attivata impedisce l...

Page 5: ...e radio e di messa in servizio rif N200 306 00 per ulteriori dettagli 1 Prendere la sirena non ancora messo in servizio accertarsi che l indirizzo sia impostato su 00 impostazione predefinita 2 Inserire le batterie 3 Selezionare la scheda Device Direct Command Comando diretto di dispositivo in AgileIQ fare doppio clic sulla schermata per visualizzare le opzioni quindi attenersi alle istruzioni per...

Page 6: ...sata 400 1200 0 5 sec acceso 0 5 sec spento rpt x3 1 5 sec spento 12 22 Passata 1200 500 0 99 Hz 1 sec acceso 0 01 sec spento 20 23 Passata 2400 2850 7 Hz 10 24 1 Passata 500 1200 0 5 sec spento 3 5 sec acceso 8 25 Passata 800 970 50 Hz 8 26 Passata 800 970 7 Hz 8 27 Passata 800 970 1 Hz 8 28 Passata 2400 2850 50 Hz 10 29 Passata 500 1000 7 Hz 8 30 Passata 500 1200 500 0 166 Hz incremento 1 sec st...

Page 7: ... y reglamentaciones aplicables En la Figura 1 se detalla la instalación de la base B501RF El espaciado entre los dispositivos del sistema de radio debe ser como mínimo de 1 m En la Figura 2 se detalla la instalación de la sirena en la base Características contra alteraciones La base incluye una característica que cuando se activa impide la extracción de la sirena de la base a menos que se utilice ...

Page 8: ... en Servicio de Radio ref N200 306 00 1 Tantes de poner la sirena en servicio asegurarse de que la dirección esté configurada en 00 ajuste predeterminado 2 Inserte las baterías 3 Seleccione la pestaña Device Direct Command Comando Directo de Dispositivo en AgileIQ haga doble clic en la pantalla para revelar las opciones y siga las instrucciones para configurar los ajustes de tono de la sirena Se r...

Page 9: ...0 22 21 1 Barrido 400 1200 0 5 s activado 0 5 s desactivado repite x3 1 5 s desactivado 12 22 Barrido 1200 500 0 99 Hz 1 s activado 0 01 s desactivado 20 23 Barrido 2400 2850 7 Hz 10 24 1 Barrido 500 1200 0 5 s desactivado 3 5 s activado 8 25 Barrido 800 970 50 Hz 8 26 Barrido 800 970 7 Hz 8 27 Barrido 800 970 1 Hz 8 28 Barrido 2400 2850 50 Hz 10 29 Barrido 500 1000 7 Hz 8 30 Barrido 500 1200 500 ...

Page 10: ...und Vorschriften installiert werden Abbildung 1 zeigt die Installation derB501RF Sockels Der Abstand zwischen den Geräten des Funksystems muss mindestens 1 m betragen Abbildung 2 zeigt die Befestigung des Alarmgebers im Sockel Entnahmesicherung Der Sockel enthält eine Funktion die bei Aktivierung die Entfernung des Alarmgebers aus dem Sockel ohne Werkzeug verhindert Siehe hierzu die Abbildungen 3 ...

Page 11: ...mgeber und stellen Sie sicher dass die Adresse auf 00 eingestellt ist Voreinstellung 2 Setzen Sie die Batterien ein 3 Wählen Sie die Registerkarte Direkter Gerätebefehl in AgileIQ klicken Sie doppelt auf das Display um die Optionen zu öffnen und folgen Sie den Anweisungen zur Konfiguration der Toneinstellungen Es wird empfohlen die Tonkonfiguration des Alarmgebers nach dem Programmieren für zukünf...

Page 12: ...00 0 25 s aus 3 75 s ein 12 14 1 Alternierend 660 3 33 Hz 150 ms ein 150 ms aus 7 15 1 Alternierend 970 0 8 Hz 0 25 s ein 1 s aus 8 16 1 Alternierend 970 0 5 Hz 1 s ein 1 s aus 8 17 1 Alternierend 2850 1 Hz 10 18 1 Alternierend 970 1 Hz 500 ms ein 500 ms aus 8 19 1 Alternierend 950 0 22 Hz 0 5 s ein 0 5 s aus Wdhg x 3 1 5 s aus 12 20 1 Ununterbrochen 800 22 21 1 Zeitvariabel 400 1200 0 5 s ein 0 5...

Page 13: ...lements pertinents La Figure 1 détaille l installation de le socle B501RF L espacement entre les systèmes radio doit être de 1 m Minimum La Figure 2 détaille l installation de la sirène dans son socle Caractéristiques anti vandalisme Le socle comprend une fonction qui lorsqu activée rend impossible le retrait de la sirène de le socle sans outil Voir les Figures 3a et 3b pour plus de détails Averti...

Page 14: non mise en service en veillant à définir l adresse sur 00 réglage par défaut 2 Insérer les piles 3 Sélectionner l onglet Device Direct Command dans AgileIQ double cliquer sur l écran pour faire apparaître les options et suivre les instructions pour configurer le son de la sirène Il est recommandé de noter la configuration de son de la sirène pour référence sur l étiquette de la sirène après pr...

Page 15: ... 1200 allumé 0 5s éteint 0 5s rpt x3 éteint 1 5s 12 22 Balayage 1200 500 0 99 Hz allumé 1s éteint 0 01s 20 23 Balayage 2400 2850 7 Hz 10 24 1 Balayage 500 1200 éteint 0 5s allumé 3 5s 8 25 Balayage 800 970 50 Hz 8 26 Balayage 800 970 7 Hz 8 27 Balayage 800 970 1 Hz 8 28 Balayage 2400 2850 50 Hz 10 29 Balayage 500 1000 7 Hz 8 30 Balayage 500 1200 500 0 166 Hz augmentation 1s stable 4s chute 1s 8 31...
